Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Things are going well... oddly, I feel sorta drained...

My Dad came to visit over the weekend.  It was a blast.  Rob and Veronica came up and we watched the Russel Crowe "Robin Hood" on Blu-ray.  Not particularly recommended, but it had its moments.

Dad wanted to watch the Ohio State massacre.  So, I got a cheap antenna at Target for $10.  You can get about 3 or 4 channels over the air with it, but you have to re-aim it for each one.  Still, I got great reception on the game and was able to watch in HD.  I watched the Browns in HD the next day... that's not a good thing, for the most part. 

I need to go ahead and get cable and internet for the place, but I can't quite figure out what it'll cost.  With two really nice TVs, I'd like to get HD.  I'm guessing between cable and internet, that'll be $100 a month.  It's not a monumental sum, but for some reason, I hate to commit to it and order it.  I'll probably go ahead, though. 

I think the reason I'm feeling bummed is that it looks like no work is going to get done on my house for a while.  Probably not for a month or two, and maybe not until next year.  There are nice-ish parts of the house.  The downstairs half-bath is about 95% done.  The living room is only really needing flooring. 

Overall, though, it's a house that's like a construction zone and not many parts of it are very nice at all.  I get depressed a lot when I walk in the place.

I'm e-baying off some stuff and already shipped off one guitar.  It feels good to un-clutter.  The guitars I'm selling are going for what I wanted.  I like having a bunch of stuff, but I find myself more than willing to sell off my crap to make sure Logan has what he wants/needs.  In a lot of ways, I figure my prime is basically done, and it's his turn, now.  Sometimes I would get sorta sick thinking of all the absolute crap I own.  Wishing I'd never bought it in the first place. 

I think I'll continue to get rid of stuff, strategically.  I'm not going to be living in austerity or anything of the sort.  However, I need to get to where I have, say, 1 of each kind of gun, instead of 2 or 3. 

Selling that stuff doesn't hurt my quality of life in any imagineable way.

However, the guns and 4-wheeler I thought about selling aren't selling very well at all.  The 4-wheeler is probably because of the season and the economy.  The guns?  When Obama was elected, everybody who wanted a gun ran out and bought one.  So, nobody is buying guns these days.  That, and the economy.  So, I'll be keeping that stuff, I think.

The guitars, though?  I loved having the collection, but I literally never touched the things.  I'll keep two Mexican Stratocasters.  One for me and one for the boy.  However, I doubt I play more than 10 or 20 hours a year, now.  So, not-having electric guitars isn't that big of a deal for me.

Logan had a football game on Saturday and scored another touchdown.  He's scored half his team's touchdowns this year.  A little of it is that I think his coach remembers him from last year.  He didn't play nearly the key role in the offense last year, but I think the coach remembers the times when he got to play QB and really impacted the game.

On Sunday at baseball practice, he looked oddly very sharp.  That's good.  I was hoping the time off would let him sort of recharge and spin down and I think it's not hurting him at all.  About once a week is all I want him working out for baseball. 

Took my Arabic test and got a 109 out of 100 if my extra credit answers are included.  The prof really isn't trying to give anybody a hard time.  If you put in at least a little work, you're going to get a good grade.

I'll grunt out the rest of this semester, but I'm not doing this again in the Spring.  Having a couple of extra appointments every week is a pain in the butt and it works out poorly with both my reserve service and with being able to watch Logan if Tessa gets called in to work the hospital at the last minute. 

So, I'll grunt out the rest of this year, but after that, I'll get rosetta stone or something.

At work, we're really busy, which is nice.  However, we have a potential cash flow crunch coming up.  These are the times when it's not much fun to be captain of the ship.  I've gotten us through worse in the past, though, and I can get us through this.  By mid-November, we should be one step closer to being in good health. 

I think I just need a good night's sleep.  I'm feeling a little worn out today. 

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