Monday, September 6, 2010

After Action Report on the Long Weekend

It was a nice relaxing weekend.  I didn't get a run in on Saturday, but was able to cover 6 miles on both Sunday and today.  My goal routine, now, is 6 miles, 5 days a week. 

Today's run was really hard, though.  I ran it on the 0.75 mile loop around the neighborhood.  (8 laps.)  There were some changes in elevation, but I don't think it was really that hard overall.  I finished it just fine.  Not like I collapsed at the end gasping and wheezing or anything.  It was just a tough one. 

I wonder if the jump to 6 miles, from 5, is more substantial than I was thinking.  I know I'll get used to it eventually, but depending on how I feel tomorrow, I may mix in a couple of 5 milers during the week to give myself a little break.

I also was utterly exhausted last evening.  I just totally crashed upstairs while Logan watched TV downstairs.  After today's run, I took a shower, and then took a long nap.  Could be the crappy diet (I pretty much blew off my entire diet these past few days and last week wasn't so hot, either.)  However, I think the running is in there, too.

Really, I only just got used to the 5 milers.  So, I haven't given myself time to adjust to them before moving ahead.  The old rule of thumb I believe in is that it takes a full 3 weeks for a new training stimulus to result in increased performance. 

In any event, I feel great now that I'm up to 6 miles.  Because of my history with this, I don't consider a run of less than 6 miles to be a real run.  So, it's discouraging to have to do all that base-building with shorter distances while I ramp up.

So, 6 miles, 5 days a week.  I want to give that a long time to settle in and work its way through my various systems.  I'll probably stick to that until November or so.  (Yes, I know I also said I'd be sticking to 5 miles x 5 days a week until the first week of October.)

Once I get used to that, I will probably start marathon training in earnest.  At this point, I'm targeting the Glass City Marathon (in Toledo) in the Spring.  It's nice to do a hometown marathon.  You get to sleep in your own bed and you don't miss that much of your day.

Then, for the Fall, I'll try and do the Air Force Marathon if I can get a room in their Bachelor Officer's Quarters. 

Last time I did this, after my first marathon, I had a HUGE jump in speed afterwards.  I've never been a very speedy runner, but for the most part, where, say, a 9:30 pace might be what I'd do on a daily training run, I was doing them in more like 8-flat. 

I don't know how much of that will be gone due to age, but if I could get faster, that'd be nice.  It didn't take long to show up, either.  Basically, 4 weeks of marathon recovery (with no running), and then voila.  Instant speed.  Go figure.

This week, I have a lot going on.  Root canal is a biggie.  Might be tough to afford both the tooth and a rowing machine this month.  I was tempted to just plunge ahead with the rowing machine until I remembered the root canal.  Oh well.  After the root canal, I need to get a crown, which will probably cost just as much.

Oh well... the things we do to be able to chew food.

I've been abysmal about my diet lately.  I need to stick to the very basics of it, at a minimum:  no bread, dairy, anything deep-fried, etc.  Even if I don't do the positive things such as making sure I get all the right amounts of all the protiens, carbs, etc., the least I can do is avoid negative things like eating processed sugars.

I was just thinking today that now that I'm up to 6 miles, 5 times a week, that's as heavy a workout schedule as anybody can reasonably expect.  I'll be curious what my HDLs look like when I get tested again in February.  If they aren't perfect, then, frankly, perfection isn't realistically attainable for me.  It's not like I can reasonably try to create a workout schedule that involves, say, 12 hours of workouts every week.  I mean, I have done it in the past and may do it in the future, but as far as being able to commit to it week-in, week-out as part of a healthy lifestyle?  That's just not realistic.

I do want to get going on putting together a cardio room, though.  I really do want two workouts a day until I lose the weight.  I don't think running, alone, is enough to cause massive weight loss, but honestly, if you hit 2 workouts a day, that's pretty massive.  I figure get a rowing machine and do that 5 days a week.  Use the recumbent bike for an easier workout on the off days.

One thing that's sort of encouraging at this point is that my running isn't that much slower than it was when I was 35.  So, age hasn't punished me all that much.  What's really remarkable, though, is that back then I was about 175 at this point.  Right now, I'm 195.  So, I'm trotting a whole lot more weight around, and it hasn't slowed me down much.

The rule of thumb on this is that every pound slows you down by about 2 seconds a mile.  So, if I lose another 20 pounds, that's 40 seconds a mile.  That's pretty significant. 

I am also wary of doing a lot of running at this weight.  It's hard on my knees and at this age, that's a factor.  However, it's a viscious circle.  Of all the exercises I've ever done, running is by far the best for weight loss.  So, to lose weight, I should run, but I don't want to run until I lose weight. 

I got some good news today.  Got a call from an old employee who I really loved.  She was the only person I've ever employed who I trusted to make the same decisions I'd make in every circumstance.  In every way, she was the most awesome employee I have ever had. 

She left for personal reasons, but wants to talk to me on Wednesday about possibly coming back.  So, cross fingers.  If she's willing to come back, she's one of those people who I will make room for in the organization, no matter what.

This will really take a lot of stress off my shoulders in the work arena.

Last part of this week, I fly to Ft Worth for drill with my new unit.  I'm pretty excited.  I don't like packing up and all that, but I almost always enjoy serving in the Navy Reserve.  Maybe it's just that the Supply Corps Community is just extraordinarily filled with good folks whose company I genuinely enjoy.  Who knows.  I almost always find myself really enjoying my drill weekend and the interaction with the other Pork Chops.  Now that I'm drilling with them, I will start trying to get that final class I need for DAWIA certification.  It'll only give me Level 1, but that's a pretty huge step.  I'll get working on Level 2. 

Not sure what the deployment future holds, but as always, deployment is a real possibility.  If at all possible, I'd like to have completed 4 semesters of Arabic and my DAWIA Level 2 before I deploy.  I'll almost certainly deploy in some capacity related to contracting if I have my DAWIA.  Other than separation from family, it shouldn't be a bad gig.

They still haven't made the official announcement on Mavericks selection.  However, I have it from a reliable source that Logan made the team.  It's a reliable enough source that I'm certain it's true.  However, it'll be nice to get the formal announcement.

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