Thursday, September 2, 2010

Over the hump... for now...

We're finally getting money in.  Late is better than never for something like this.  We're current on all our bills and are going to meet payroll easily this week.  We loaded up 2 credit cards during this latest cash-crunch, and I just paid one of them off today.  I should be able to pay off one more next week. 

We should be able to come out of this a little stronger than before.  We used to never carry a balance on any of our cards, but have had to lately.  So, even before this crisis, we had two credit cards that were impacted.  When the dust clears, we will probably have a balance on 1 card, out of the original 4.  So, not too bad.  You take what you can get sometimes.

It's sure nice to have cash flow again, though.  Not just from a business standpoint, but from a personal one.  Nice to be able to make those payments.  (Reminds me, I need to deposit money in one of my accounts to cover the payment on home #2.)

Weight is still being managed pretty well.  I'm certainly not losing weight as fast as before, but it's holding steady and ticking downward.  My sopping wet weight right now is 194. 

It's just reliable rumors at this point, nothing official, but it looks like Logan made the U10 Mavs heavy team this year.  He'll be pretty excited to know he'll be playing with the same bunch of guys.

So, all systems go.  Arabic quiz in a few hours and even that is going well.  Next week, I finally get to drill in Fort Worth!

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