Monday, September 6, 2010

Morning Pre-Run Spin-Up

As I digest my oatmeal and egg beaters, I'm trying to map out a running route for today.  The weather is glorious.  Here in Ohio, we only get a handful of nice weather days every year.  So, it's a shame not to take advantage of them when they come. 

My preferred place to run:  a track, is not available in my town.  Sorta crappy, really.  The schools put them off limits to try and limit vandalism.  Though, in a perverse way, it probably increases vandalism.  Figure, if you had people showing up at the track to run at all hours of the day and night, that would make it hard for vandals to do much.

So, I'm trying to map out a little loop in my neighborhood.  Circular routes are best because the last thing I want to do while running is try to remember "did I add that little offshoot that puts in the extra .15 mile?"  The most obvious is a 0.75 mile loop around the main part of the neighborhood.  If I have to watch my son, that means I'm back around to the house pretty frequently.

I have been eating completely badly lately.  I need to stick just a little closer to the diet.  I probably gained weight over the weekend.  I just don't want to think about how much. 

A new restaurant opened up near me.  They claim to make "healthy fast food".  I can't wait to try it out.  I'll swing by it today.  If you ask me, it's doomed to failure, but I'll eat there until they're out of business if they have stuff I like.

I have 5 personal trainer sessions left, but have put them on hold while I figure out my schedule.  I am very, very pleased that doing the sessions got me kick-started back into shape.  I also think the whole body-building, body-shaping aspect of it has some nice benefits, obviously. 

However, I'm a little disappointed in my progress, strength-wise.  I would have expected a lot bigger gains in push-ups, chin-ups and the like, and frankly, my progress is minimal.  In fact, on push-ups, I feel like I've done much better in the past working out on my own.

I guess the idea is that you can body-shape and body-build with lower weights, and very, very slow reps.  I prefer higher weights and reps done at medium speed.  Usually, if I stick with it for a month, I can get to where I'm doing reps with about 200 pounds on the bench.  I seriously doubt I could do that, now. 

So, part of it is that I need to think about how to use those remaining 5 sessions.  Maybe for shoulder and abs, because I'm not good about hitting those very hard, myself.

I also think that for weight-loss, if I added a second workout, that would be dramatic.  Looking back to how I did it the first time, it was when I was doing two (or more) workouts a day where I really never had to worry about what I ate.  I still look back with fondness on the period of my life where I was eating 3 heaping servings of ice cream every day.  Granted, that was because of about 4 or 5 hours a day of sustained aerobic exercise, but still, it was nice.

I'm sorta pumped about the idea of a rowing machine.  I need to move the treadmill to my house.  So, those two things will be the start of a good cardio gym. I'll move my recumbent bike as well.  At that point, really, all I need is a TV and I'll have everything I need for daily workouts. 

Trouble is, the new house doesn't have cable, at all.  So, I need to get that, too.  Still, I can pop in DVDs or something. 

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