Monday, September 20, 2010

Oh, this ****ed Money Pit

The guys were working on my house today.  Put in one of the windows and at the end of the day, they came to me and said, "Your window is going to look really funny".

Great.  Bottom line is that the flat roof probably leaked at one point in time which is causing one corner of the 2nd story to droop. 

Set aside for a moment that they didn't stop when they got to the point where they realized it would look funny.  I mean, a reasonable person might stop and wait for guidance.  They just put the window in, anyway. Now, of course, it's almost certainly going to have to come back out. 

This house just depresses me.  I bought it because of proximity to Logan's house so he won't have to go far between the houses.  I also love the lot.  It backs up to a wooded ravine. In the little time I spend there, I've seen a hawk and a deer so far.  It's beautiful with a feeling of seclusion that isn't easy to achieve in a well populated suburb like the one I live in.

Darned if it just doesn't seem like something is constantly going on, though.  It gets old.  I'm dealing with a lot right now and just didn't need this.  Oh well.  Still, with the ability to have my construction guys work on it, and with the discounts I get at the various construction supply places, I can get these sorts of repairs done for probably 1/4 or 1/3 what it would cost most people.  However, it's just one more pain in the butt for me to deal with.

My root canal is finished, and I am still a little numb from the novocaine.  I'm on an antibiotic because the endo thinks I've got a little bacterial infection that seems to be lingering.  I'll be calling my dentist tomorrow to get a crown put on.  Yet another way for me to spend my $$$.

I got the notification that my rowing machine shipped today, though.  That'll be good for stress relief.  I need to run tonight and am going to pound the pavement once my food digests.

I'm going over now to see the crappiness of the building I will soon call "home", myself.  If it isn't one thing, it's another these days.

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