Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Running, Tired, Droid, Root Canal, Etc...

Running the 6 milers is taking a toll, I think.  I find that I'm sleeping longer and napping more than I ever have, before.  I know I'll get used to it, eventually.  However, for the time being, it's work.

This morning, I got up and tried to walk down the hallway.  Got light headed, lost my balance and fainted into the door.  Got a nasty scratch on the side of my head, but luckily, no real damage.

I got most of my root canal yesterday, but the doc said my roots were deteriorated and infected.  So, he said he did about 80% of it and I go back in a couple of weeks to get the rest done, after the antibiotic cures the infection.

He had told me it was like getting a filling, but that's not true.  The tooth is really, really sore.  Got some ibuprofin and aspirin.  Those are good because they're anti-inflammatories.  I should probably take some ibuprofin and ice down my knees after I run.  I notice my knees feel great today.  Probably will feel a whole lot greater after I lose another 10 or 20 pounds.

Anyway, the soreness is slowly getting better over time.  He said maybe 48 hours to get to where it isn't quite so present.  I'll be glad to have this whole thing over and done with.

I've got the droid phone and it's working.  I will try out the running application tonight.  I'll be running the 0.75 mile loop in the neighborhood.  I'm just curious how accurately it will measure distance and speed.  We'll see.  After that, I'll use it to do some out and backs.  It'll be nice to calculate distances without having to know them beforehand.

I still don't know how to sync up my music with my droid, but I can get Pandora. That'll be good enough for my running.

There's a bluetooth heart rate monitor strap I can use with the droid's running application, but it costs $100.  I'll probably just use my basic polar monitor until the battery wears out.  Then, I'll bite the bullet and get the bluetooth.

I've got drill in Fort Worth this weekend.  Looking forward to meeting my new unit.  My travel and pay from the Junior Officer symposium still isn't paid.  The folks that handle reserve pay and travel could give the DMV folks a run for the money in terms of unhelpfulness and lack of customer service.  Honestly, that's one of the things I like best about the reserves:  it reminds me how utterly screwed up administration is in the military.  It's one thing if it's a minor annoyance about your part-time job.  It's another matter, entirely when it's your sole source of income. 

So, in a backhanded way, being in the reserves does me a good turn:  it reminds me of one of the reasons why I don't, and didn't, want to make the military a full-time career.

I'm really looking forward to seeing my DFW (Dallas and Fort Worth) friends this weekend.  I haven't seen them in ages.  It'll be good to get back in touch. 

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