Friday, August 20, 2010

Off Day From Running

Doing a longer run yesterday was a bad idea one day after my leg workout.  I was walking funny the rest of the day and today my legs are still pretty stiff.  I needed to schedule a rest day from running and this is probably a big clue that I should take it, now. 

In formulating my workout for next week, I think I'll try a 6 day training schedule per week.  4 normal distance/recovery days and with LT workout day and one longer distance day. 

Today, Logan and his mom go to West Virginia to visit some of her relatives.  So, that gives me a lot of time over the weekend.  I have 3 weight workouts to go.  I'll try and do at least two of them today, or maybe knock out all three.

Diet?  I had a turkey sandwich, soup and ice cream yesterday.  I feel like crud this morning.  It's funny how you don't realize how bad for you stuff is until your system is cleaned out.  Every time I've gone off this diet so far, I've actually looked forward to going back on it.

Adding flax seeds has been interesting.  There doesn't seem to be a good way to eat them that doesn't involve baking them into something.  So, I have been taking them like medicine:  taking a spoonful and washing it down with a glass of water.  The other parts of the diet are things I can see as life changes, but the flax seeds?  I don't know about that one.  I'll just have to see how my cholesterol numbers work.

Best case, next blood draw, my numbers will be so low that I'll ask if we can try diet alone and see how that works.  I won't know about that for another 5 months, though.

In other news, it's one week until Logan's travel tryouts.  The old team has been working out, preparing for the tryouts.  Honestly, the advantage they got from playing last year is so huge I think the team will probably look identical.  They were the most talented 9 year olds, and they'll be among the most talented 10 year olds.  The season of travel is very apparent in how well these kids play. 

When they were playing U9 baseball, I was amazed at how talented these kids were.  Now that they're moving up to U10, it's even more remarkable.  I honestly can't think of much that I do as well as these kids play baseball.  Maybe piano, probably guitar, but other than that, nada.


Tom M. said...

Flax seeds: You have to crush them before eating them, as otherwise your body won't digest them. Also, they're very volatile and spoil quickly. I'm big into chia seeds these days, just a heaping tablespoon in my post-run yogurt/berries/granola "parfait" treat. They last much longer in a jar at room temp, they don't have to be crushed to get at the nutrition, and they're easier to deal with.

Might be more difficult to find. I pay $6/lb at the Mexican grocery bulk bins, or $9/lb at the nutty-crunchy natural grocery bulk bins.

ArmyNavyGame said...

I've heard about chia seeds, etc. Might try them later. Or grow a chia pet and become a gentleman farmer.

I buy the ground flax seeds (bought them before I knew how quickly they go bad.) I keep them in the fridge, though. They last a week at room temps once they hit oxygen. I am hoping the fridge will make them last just a bit longer.

Unknown said...

I put ground flax seeds in fat free Activia yogurt... seems to work well for me.