Sunday, August 22, 2010

3rd post today, the potassium post...

Interesting, but that site I posted on my calorie counting page has a calorie calculator.

You can enter your physical activity and then your calories and it really is a nifty little thing.

Better than that, it analyzes what you eat and lets you know whether you're getting the right amount of nutrients or not.

The analysis of my diet says I get too much sodium.  That's almost certainly true.  It says 104% of the recommended amount, but I know I get more than that because of the salt I put on everything.

It says I need more vitamin A and iron.  I'm only getting 91% of the vitamin A I need and 72% of the iron.  However, I take a multivitamin.  So, if the multivitamin is doing it's job, I'm fine on those two.

The last one was that it says I needed more potassium.  I'm getting less than half of what the program recommends. 

I have no idea what to do there, other than a potassium supplement.  Even if I ate a baked potato, drank a glass of orange juice and ate a banana every day, that wouldn't even get me close to what they recommend.

Not sure what to do here.  I guess I'll look for symptoms of potassium deficiency and monitor the situation. 

The foods rich in potassium are almost all things I like.  Potatoes, oranges, orange juice, cantaloupe, watermelon, tomato juice.

Sheesh, just when I thought I had this whole thing down.  I can get all the potassium I need, but that pretty much blows the diet.  I'll have to give this some thought.

On the workout front, I'm doing fine with the new mileage.  4.75 miles, 5 times a week is what I'm shooting for.  Might go for 6 days if I feel good.  However, just to keep from overtraining, I'm putting my treadmill incline at 0 for a few weeks.

Will bump it up a half a degree after every few weeks until it's at 2.0.  At that point, I'll be ready to bump up the intensity by dropping the speed a bit. 

As for weight loss, it'd be nice to just wave a wand and be done with it, but so far, this is going perfectly.  I'm losing a pound or two every week, which is pretty much considered ideal.  My diet has improved considerably. 

It'll take a while, but even if I lose a pound every 2 weeks from here on out, I'll be at my goal weight before the new year. 

So, all systems go on the workout and diet front.

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