Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Tuesday Adventures

The running is getting easier.  Right now, I'm running between 3.7 and 4 miles.  Feeling really good, though.  I will probably start bumping that out to between 4.7 and 5 miles.  I might finish out this week at the old distance, and start the new distance next week.

I weighed myself today and came in at 194 (after my run, which is a dehydrated weight).  That's a half pound lower than my previous low, last week.

It's taking longer and longer to lose weight, but I really shouldn't complain.  I didn't follow the diet at all over the weekend while I was in Florida.  Following this diet while travelling is going to be darned near impossible. 

I was encouraged by my latest cholesterol numbers, though.  I would love to get them under control without the need for medication.  One thing I'm trying is ground flax seeds.  They're not particularly easy to add to most foods.  I tried throwing them in my protien shake and too much of it just stuck to the sides of the glass.  I've found the easiest way to eat it is just to take a spoonful into my mouth and then drink a glass of water.  It's not unpleasant in any way.  Just sort of odd.

The other thing that's working is that my trainer recommended that I get frozen, but already cooked chicken breast.  He actually claimed that they make all sorts of flavored ones like chipotle, etc.  I don't know what he's talking about, there, but they do have frozen pre-cooked chicken breast.  I got some and it's working much better than trying to grill up my own chicken breast, which took too much time, and was far too inconvenient to do in the long run.

I'm not too concerned if I can only do my diet now and then.  Slow weight loss is fine with me.  So long as I do the diet when I'm home, I can afford to go off the wagon every now and then. 

I have decided to put my business up for sale.  The latest numbers from the Supply Corps conference is that there are only 20 qualified supply corps officers who are available for deployment.  Chances are there'll be dozens and dozens of openings next year. 

I had hoped to delay deployment until 2012, but I'm not so sure that's possible, now.  I don't know if they'll wait for me to finish up my DAWIA certification or not.  There are enough non-contracting vacancies that they probably don't care either way, though the most dire shortages are for the contracting officer vacancies.

I've contemplated letting the business run itself, absentee, during a deployment, but this business is simply too complex, with too many moving parts.  I doubt I'd ever get a moment of sleep if I tried to do that. 

The other thing is that my business has been great, but I don't see how I could possibly grow the business to the degree I want.  They've made some changes in the past few years that will really prevent anybody new from developing a large business.

I've got a couple of others on the radar screen, and depending, I'll be pulling the trigger with one of them, soon.

Lastly, started my Arabic class today.  I don't know how far along I'll get in the course sequence before I deploy.  I am relatively certain I'll be able to finish this first course, but beyond that, I have no idea.  I'd like to get all 4 courses done before deployment, but again, that's not up to me.

Time to go learn the Arabic alphabet.  Funny, but in class, I noticed a lot of the letters are the same as in the Hebrew alphabet and asked the teacher about it.  He said they're similar.  It cracks me up that arabs and jews are mortal enemies.  Their culture, language, and even their religions are so similar.  Go figure.

In any event, I hope to take both years that are offerred at my local Junior College.  I'll just keep putting one foot in front of the other and see how things go.

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