Tuesday, August 31, 2010

(Not Quite) Midnight Run and 11th Hour Reprieves

Went to the club to run this evening because it was getting sort of late to run on the roads.  The parks trails close at dusk.  I don't have a good route on the surface roads, and there are safety considerations.  Not just cars and the like, but stepping in potholes or whatnot.

The run was a good one.  I was hoping to do 5 x 1 mile repeats at 12, 10, 10, 10 and 12 min/miles.  I was able to do it.  I won't say it was easy, but it wasn't all that bad.  Not like I was gasping on the last 10 min repeat or anything. 

Heart rate is up around 154-160 on the 10 min/mile repeats.  That's smack dab in the middle of my Lactate Threshold training range.

So, as embarassing as the pace is, that's what my speed limit should be for a while.  In fact, I shouldn't do that workout every day. 

Trying to compare this to the last time I got in shape, and frankly, I'm probably comparable.  I wasn't that fast for a long, long time.  Plus, I weighed a lot less.  Right now, I'm training at roughly 195, and back then, I was more like 175-170.  So, if I can get the rest of this weight off, I should be okay.

Yesterday, I hadn't slept at all the night before, worrying about payroll.  We did manage to get 1 check today.  It was from an adjuster who was supposed to send 2 of them, but I was happy just to get the one.  With any luck, the other will show up tomorrow.

Thanks to that 11th hour reprieve, I'm able to do crazy things like make both the house payments I'm responsible for.  It was a hellish week and day before that check came in, believe me.

With any luck, the logjam will be broken and the incoming accounts receivable will pretty much set everything back to relative normal.  Granted, it'll be the lower side of normal, but much better than things have been in a little while.

I've been terrible about my diet lately.  I'm a stress eater and with everything going on, the diet went right out the window.  Still, after my run, I weighed myself in my soaking wet shirt and came in at 197.  So, I'm still doing pretty well. 

Now that I've reached this first semi-goal of getting into the mid 190s, I can feel a little bit of a letdown.

I'm still tinkering with the diet, though.  I am trying to find more convenient ways to eat the oatmeal.  It doesn't take long to cook, but it takes a long time to eat a bowl of oatmeal.  It's just not a dish that lends itself well to being wolfed down. 

I mixed a half cup of oatmeal with about a cup and a half of almond milk.  Threw in the flax seeds and a scoop of protein powder.  It was okay.  The biggest problem I have with it is that probably 1/3 of the flax seeds and 10% of the oats just stick to the sides of the glass.  So, I threw in another cup of almond milk and shook it up.  That got the bulk of the stuff off the sides. 

It wasn't the greatest, but it went really, really fast.  I think that's probably a darned good meal replacement, actually.  It's relatively nutritionally complete.  I should probably try to have the components on-hand at work and other places so I can drink that if I'm trying to eat in a hurry, versus hitting the drive-thru.

I think I'll feel better after another night's sleep.  Logan starts school tomorrow.  We might hear from the Mavs selection committee at the later part of this week.  Though they've told us not to expect anything for another couple of weeks.  There's always the hope more checks will come in.  I can devote the lion's share of them to lowering the credit card balances that got so totally out of hand while we were waiting for the adjusters to do their jobs.  (And with the exception of 1/2 of the committments one adjuster made to us, we're still waiting.)

There's a quiz on Thursday in Arabic.  I'm pretty far ahead of the class at this point.  The quiz should be pretty darned easy.

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