Monday, August 16, 2010

The Long Slog Back to Fitness for August 16th

Just got back from Florida and being out of town plays havoc with the diet.  Part of these get-togethers is the networking, much of which is done at meals, so that makes things difficult, too.  Suffice to say I'm glad to be back home and back on my diet again.

I can't say I particularly love my diet, in terms of taste, but I really like what it does for me.  Folks who know me know that I've had issues with rhinitis and sinus infections my whole life.  Been hospitalized a couple of times for sinusitis.  In the world of folks with sinus problems, I'm out on the skinny part of the bell curve in terms of having more trouble than most.

The diet really wipes that out.  I find I don't need to use my prescription nasal spray nearly as much.  I'm not hacking, coughing and spitting as much.

I also end up taking fewer antacids when I'm on the diet.  In fact, I take very few.  Before, I made sure I always had Tums within arm's reach because I was constantly dealing with heartburn.

I find that my concentration and energy are improved when I'm on the diet as well.  I've always eaten a poor diet, largely because I was a picky eater when I was younger, and because I ate almost all fast-food once I got older. 

So, it's just a winner all the way around.  This is a lifestyle change I can easily envision sticking with.

I need to go out and get some more oatmeal.  I worked my way through my first container.  I'm going to get some ground flax seeds, too, based on some things I've been reading.  I also got a recommendation to buy frozen chicken breast strips.  Apparently, Tyson makes them and they make them in various flavors like cajun and chipotle.

Running is showing slow but steady progress.  My times are still painfully slow, but in all honesty, it's been about a 20 month layoff.  I developed plantar fasciitis back in November of 2009, and only just been in the past month or so that I felt I could start training again.

Right now, my workout is:

5 minute warm-up at 4 mph.  (15 min/miles... yes, I know how slow that is.)
12 minutes at 5 mph.  (12 min/miles.  So, that's actually a mile repeat.)
Break, usually by running a minute or two at 4 mph.
10 minutes at 6 mph.  (10 min/miles.  Another mile repeat.)
Break, usually by walking for 3 minutes or so at 3 mph.
12 minutes at 5 mph. 
Break, usually a minute or two at 4 mph or 3 mph.
5 minute cool-down at 4 mph.

All in all, it's almost 4 miles.  At this point, I'm more concerned with covering longer distances than with increasing speed. 

Though, this workout takes a LONG time.  About 45 minutes, give or take.  So, I don't want to add too much distance until I'm doing the mile repeats faster.

Once I get used to my current workout, my next step might be:

5 minute warm-up @ 4.0
6 minutes @ 5.0
10 minutes@ 6.0
Break @ 3.0
10 minutes @ 6.0
Break @ 3.0
6 minutes @ 5.0
5 minute cool-down @ 4.0

So, there's clear progress on running.  4 miles a day is a good routine.  If I had been doing that for the past 10 years, I'd probably still be in great shape.

The personal training is going well.  They're making me do exercises, and hit muscle groups that I would not do if left to my own decisions.  Sometimes it's hard to get motivated, but it's all helping.  I do think that the body shaping is making a big difference in my appearance. 

I am still thinking of getting a rowing machine.  That way I could pay for my TV time by doing a workout.  I think a treadmill, stationary bike and rowing machine in front of the TV is the way to go.  You can watch all the TV you want:  you just have to be moving while you do it.

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