Friday, August 27, 2010

Baseball, Hot Dogs, Apple Pie and Chevrolet


On the baseball front, Logan's tryouts for the Mavs are tomorrow and Sunday.  I'll be very, very glad when this is all over and we get the letter saying he's on the team.  I think he has great chances of being on the team, but a 2 day tryout is tough.  If he just has a couple of bad days, voila. 

There aren't all that many great young baseball players in our town, and most of them were on Logan's team last year.  They played and worked a lot harder than the rec league kids.  However, you never know.  A few kids played travel for other teams.  The rec still has a good player here and there.  If they all show up, it's conceivable that Logan might make the light travel team.

In a way that might be good, though.  The reason I say that is that Logan has worked a little on pitching the past few weeks and really, really shows a lot of promise.  One of the other kids on the team, who I would call the solid #4 in pitching, was throwing yesterday with Logan.  That kid's Dad had been saying that Logan throws every bit as hard, and with just as much accuracy.  I didn't quite believe it until I saw it.

They had a little velocity ball (has a digital readout that approximates the speed of the throw).  Logan was throwing just as hard as the other kid, according to the ball.  Granted, that's not an accurate measurement, but it's fair to say Logan is in the ballpark.

The reason it may not be bad for Logan to make the light travel team is that on his current team, he'll be fighting to be the #5 pitcher.  On the light team, he'd be their ace. 

There's downside to making the light team, too.  With any luck, I won't need to rationalize anything and Logan will have a good tryout and make the heavy team again.

The old team has been getting together the past few weeks for informal workouts.  That'll give Logan an edge.  He's also been working with a pitching and hitting coach, which will give him an edge.  Will it be enough?  No way to know until the tryouts actually happen.

Though it is very, very nice to see all the old kids at the workouts.  I really grew to like them.  I wasn't really part of the coaching staff.  I was the team's statistician, but I was inside the dugout in a shirt and hat and got to know each and every one of the boys pretty well.

It'd be good to spend time with them all next year.

Enough about that before I make myself crazy.

Hot dogs and apple pie...

The diet continues to work really well.  I continue to tweak it to add nutritional completeness.  I think I'm going to give up coffee altogether, other than social occassions.  I just don't feel the need for caffeine anymore.  That's a pretty big shocker from a guy who used to drink as much caffeinated drinks as I did.

That'll wipe out half the need for artificial sweetener.  Other than a little bit on my oatmeal, that's all I'll be consuming throughout the day.  I'm also more tolerant of drinking plain water, versus Crystal Light these days, too. 

I'll be going to low sodium V-8.  V-8 is good stuff.  Not many calories, but lots of vitamins and other nutrients.  It's just too high in salt.  I'll probably stir in some No Salt, which will enrich it with more potassium. 

Using the web-site, I am really dialing in my diet.  I threw in the towel years ago on ever having a balanced diet, but these days, frankly, it's pretty awesome.

I'm within a few pounds of my goal.  So, I'm a little less strict on the diet.  It doesn't help that I'm in school, now, which horks up my diet twice a week, too.  Still, I'm keeping the calorie count good and it's possible, if I can stick with my diet through lunch, to have a dinner that consists of a big slice of pizza, a hamburger and tater tots, and to hit all my calorie goals and the only nutritional goal I blow is sodium. 

All systems go, there.  The running is going well.  The weight training is going well.  I drop a pound or two every week, which is exactly what the experts advise.  My diet is more balanced and sensible than at any other time in my life.  This really couldn't be going much better.

Chevrolet, or other signs of American Economic Decay...

I have to admit that this is the worst time of my entire time in business.  We're doing business, but nobody is paying on time.  So, we're profitable, but our cash flow is killing ,me right now.  Eventually, those payables will come in and I'll be able to breathe again.  However, this is also the start of our slow season.  Oh well.  You do what you can.  Worst-case, if I can get some cash in, I'll at least be able to get my house worked on.

Some retail therapy would make me feel better, but right now, I'm skint.  Once I get a pile of money in, though, I may go out and get a rowing machine for the house.  We'll see.  Other than that and getting Logan some skis (only a couple hundred bucks), that's all the big purchases on the horizon.

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