Friday, August 6, 2010

My Life... Pretty Darned Good at the Moment...


Yesterday was my lowest weight so far on my current diet.  196.5 pounds.  I knew that when I stepped on the scale today, that I was unlikely to be down that low again.  That's sort of how this goes.  You weigh yourself, and if it's a new record low, the next day, you'll be up a pound or two.  Just over the long haul, tracking your lowest weights should tell a story.  Today, not so bad:  came in at 197.0.

The diet has been slipping a bit, but that's because I don't grocery shop all that often.  Today, I need to find religion again.  I'm out of almond/rice milk, egg beaters, vegetables and fruit.  So... other than rice and oatmeal, I don't have anything I need for the diet.

I am going to probably cut out all the chicken and turkey breast and just go with protien shakes.  I realize that's not nearly as good as eating lean meat.  However, I have never been a huge carnivore and the convenience of the protien shakes is hard to argue with.

I will admit, I cheat pretty liberally on this diet. Every few days I'll go get ice cream or eat something that has bread or cheese. However, again, the point is to come up with a diet I can live with for the long run. 


The fitness routine is starting to settle into a routine.  I'm starting to plan each day around when I'll be able to squeeze in a workout of one sort or another.  If I only do a run, I feel like I've cheated because I didn't do any weight training.

The running is pretty pitiful, though.  I dug out the old heart rate monitor and although I feel I should be running faster, I'm pretty much at exactly the pace I should be running.  The running feels like it is getting a lot easier.  So, in the next few weeks, I hope to be bumping out the distances.  Right now, treadmill sessions last about 35 minutes give or take.  I'll probably bump them out to 45 minutes. 

With any luck, it'll be a virtuous cycle, with the increased running causing weight-loss, which will make it easier to run. 

The weight-training/body shaping is going well.  I'm pretty happy with that part of things.  The only area still needing real work is my spare tire, which will be controlled more by cardio and diet than by strength training.

The House

The new house should have all perfect plumbing today.  It all worked before, but the downstairs half-bath was renovated and the toilet and sink needed to be reconnected.  Upstairs, everything is functional, but ugly.  However, bathroom renovations are relatively expensive.  Both showers had issues.  One of them had a leak and the drain was clogged.  The other one had the hot and cold reversed and didn't have enough pressure on the hot-water side.

Business picked up, so the guys haven't been able to work on the place for months.  That's just fine, though.  With a little furniture, I could live in there, now.  Better to be living in a work-in-progress than be bankrupt.

The New Business

Due diligence continues with the new business and so far, indications are good.  Will be digging into financials next week.  I should be able to get this thing off the ground without the need to involve other investors, etc.  Someday, I'd like to transition out of the Servpro business and into this one if it ends up having the potential it appears to have.  Won't know much more for another week, but so far, all systems go.

The Old Business

For whatever reason, things are booming and stuff is going our way.  Go figure.  The business can be like that sometimes.  For no apparent reason, things dry up, and then for no apparent reason, they go beserk.  We will be keeping 2 of the 5 temporary hires we brought in at the start of the month.  They'll actually be filling 2 positions that opened up due to people leaving.  (One to care for her newborn baby.  The other to go back to school.)

We'll see if we can keep 1 of the others.  He's a great worker and everybody likes him.  Just need to make sure there's enough work to justify it. 

The past year has taught me, in spades, that it's better to run a shade too lean than a shade too fat. 

Logan and Baseball
I really wanted Logan to have some baseball downtime after the season wrapped up.  I encouraged him NOT to play or practice any ball during the rest of July just to clear his head for a little bit.  Tryouts are at the end of this month, though.  3 more weeks to get him ready. 
I was worried about his tryout, but not so much, now.  He did a little workout with his old team last night and he looked as sharp as ever.  He's hitting the ball as well or better than he ever did.  He's gotten a lot quicker reaction-wise on defense.  His throwing has improved after a little throwing instruction with the coaching sessions I've been getting him in on.
He's got Mudhens camp next week.  He also had a lot of fun at the workout. He got to see some kids who were on the team but didn't go to his school.  I was glad to see them, too.  They're great kids. 
There's still always the possibility that he may have a bad tryout and won't make the team.  Those are just the risks you take.  However, judging by what he looked like in the workout, I'm not worried at this point.
The Navy
I will be going to Jacksonville, FL next weekend for the Junior Officer Training Symposium.  It's a great get-together where junior supply officers (O-4 and below in the Navy... you're not considered a senior officer until you reach full Commander), get together to brief everybody on what's going in the supply community and to provide career guidance. 
I'll be interested to see how the deployments are going, whether we're still basically 100% deployed, etc.  I'm not afraid of deployment.  Really, the only thing that concerns me is that I don't think Logan's mom will let him play travel baseball if I'm not here.  Oh well.  Not much to be done about that. 
I'd also like to wait until I make O-3 (Navy Lieutenant, versus, say, Army or Marine Corps Captain).  The difference in pay is huge. 
Not that the pay is why I'm doing it, but if I'm going to be in the desert somewhere, might as well make it pay as well as possible. 
I got approved for participation in the Navy Language and Culture Bonus program.  So, my Arabic class, which starts soon, will be worth $2,000 for me.  That'll be nice since now that I'm paying airfare down to Fort Worth and back every month, this thing continues to be my expensive hobby. 
I'm eager to learn Arabic and if I can get a couple of years of classes under my belt, when I deploy, I'd like to become proficient enough to at least function in Arabic if I needed to. 
So, that's all there is for today.  Things are going well.

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