Sunday, August 29, 2010

Man, I'm craving... and neurotic...

2 days in a row with a Big Mac, which, although it isn't much of a problem as far as total calorie count, is just a bad idea from a nutritional standpoint.  I'm just stress eating because of Logan's tryouts. 

Also, I think yesterday's run was a really hard one and my energy level is low today because of it.  Ran today. Did a slow run since yesterday I ran some hard intervals. Still, I feel sorta drained.  Probably half because of all the fat running around in my system and half because I'm tuckered from yesterday and today's workouts.

I feel like I should go get some ice cream to motivate me to do my abs/shoulders workout.  I also need to just have some recovery time in here. 

My scale is really inaccurate, too and its hacking me off.  I don't know what the deal is with it, but it'll change weights pretty drastically before settling in on a weight.  Even then, I'm not sure the weight it eventually settles in on is accurate.  I end up weighing myself 5 or 6 times until the thing tells a consistent story.  Oh well.  All in all, it's probably accurate to within a few pounds.  It's not the exact weight that's the issue.  I just need to be steadily losing weight over time.

I just hope I don't end up stress eating all week this week.  Funny, though, if I follow the rest of my diet and get in a run, I can pretty much have one really bad meal a day and still come in with a calorie deficit.  So, literally, I can have a value meal every day if I want.  I'm sure it's not doing my cholesterol any good, but from a purely caloric standpoint, it works.  Also, the rest of my diet is so low fat that even the fats aren't all that bad, really.  Sodium is high, but when you sweat as much as I do, that's probably not so bad at all.

Still, I really would like to drop another 10 pounds.  At that point, I figure my visible belly fat will all be gone and I'll be essentially solid.  It should put me at under 10% body fat, which is exceptionally fit. 

My cholesterol should be positively impacted.  My running should be faster.  More importantly, I'd save wear and tear on my knees.  That's a consideration as I get older.

So, I could do without stress eating for 2 more weeks.

Last year, they mercifully announced the team early:  on Thursday.  They've prepared us by telling us that they won't announce the team until mid September. 

Near as I can tell, Logan put in a solid performance, but again, a lot of baseball is subjective.  It's not enough to put in a solid performance.  You have to put in a solid performance that the guy assessing you notices.

Today was a scrimmage.  He didn't get anything hit to him when playing outfield.  He made a perfect play at 3rd base, though.  Fielded cleanly and a hard, accurate throw to first.  Really one of the better defensive plays of the day.  At the plate, he didn't have a great day.  Beat out a lot of not so hard grounders.  Got thrown out twice and beat the throw on the 3rd.

Though, I hope the guy doing the judging notices that the pitching wasn't very good today.  It was sort of strange.  There were the kids who played Mavs with Logan last year.  I wasn't going to have Logan pitch in the scrimmage because he didn't get any experience at it last year.  Most of the kids doing a lot of pitching, though, were kids who didn't play Mavs, and frankly, they couldn't pitch.  So, it made it really hard for Logan to get a good pitch to work with.

Again, that's where the subjectivity comes in.  One guy could look at Logan's plate performance and say, "Well, he made contact every at bat, but they were all weak hits.  2 to the SS and 1 to 3B.  He only reached base once."

Another guy could say, "They were throwing a lot of junk his way and he put a bat on the ball every at bat and beat out a throw on one of them.  Hard to get hard, clean hits with pitching like that."

I make myself crazy with this sort of over-analysis.  The reality is, it'll be whatever it's going to be.  All the speculation in the world is pointless.  We'll get a notification that he either made it, or he didn't. 

In the mean time, the Big Macs will be calling to me this week for sure.

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