Monday, August 9, 2010

Avatar, Skis, Peeing Indoors...

House numero dos is much more liveable now that the downstairs half-bath is functional.  A lot more convenient than climbing the stairs or heading out the backdoor every time I have to pee.  (I have a VERY private, wooded backyard, which is one of the reasons why I paid what I did, in spite of the work the house needed.)

Bought some TV tables so Logan and I can eat and watch TV at the same time.  Waiting for the Avatar cartoons to arrive.  I bought season 1, 2 and 3 on DVD.  He absolutely loves those things right now.  I'm going to watch them with him, I think.

The couch set I bought in the Spring is a lot whiter than I thought it would be.  Oh well.  It wasn't expensive.  So, I'll just let it get dirty and have it cleaned now and then.

Just bought a pair of skis for this year.  They were out of the model and size that Logan needed.  They anticipate it'll be here, soon.  That's his birthday present this year.  We really had fun skiing last year.  If we can get 2 seasons out of his skis, it's well worth the money.

Next year, when we go to Arizona for the trek to Disney, I may see about staying the weekend after the Disney trip is over.  Usually, it wraps up on Thursday, with everybody driving back to PHX.  I might see if I can somehow include a trip to Flagstaff to ski with Logan at Arizona snowbowl for a day. 

The fitness diet thing is going well.  I've made enough progress, now, that I'm more diligent about the diet.  Once you fight hard for something, you don't want to give it up easily. 

Running?  It's pitiful, but generally, I run for about 40 minutes a day, now.  Seems like it's getting easier.  Will have to just keep plugging away at it and see where it takes me.

My initial weight-loss goal was to lose 20 pounds, and I'm halfway there.  Will see how things look after that, but my guess is that I'll then start on trying to lose another 10. 

This is all new territory for me, though, with the weight-lifting, because I'm adding some muscle along the way. 

If not for the skis, I'd probably be buying a rowing machine right about now.  Might still depending on how collecting receivables goes in the next few weeks.  I want to have an exercise machine right in front of the TV, so that if I'm vegging out, I'm at least turning pedals on the recumbent or doing something of fitness value. 

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