Sunday, August 22, 2010

The Challenge Pages

Other than mulling over a Spring marathon, I have some specific fitness goals.

Ultimately, I'd like to max the Navy PRT.  That's no small feat.  For an old guy like me, this would involve:

83 curl ups
68 push ups
9:33 in the 1.5 mile run

Of those 3, I can manage the 68 push-ups.  I've done more than that on several occassions in my life.  It is, by far, my strongest event.

Curl ups?  83 of them is a tough, but accessible goal.

The 9:33 in the 1.5 mile run is going to be hard.  Really, really hard.  That is about a 6:20 pace.  This would pretty much equal the very fastest I've ever been in my entire life.  It's a stretch goal to be sure.

My other goal is a little odd.  There's the possibility I could deploy with the Marines and because they're Marines, they have to do their own thing.  They don't do push-ups, which I excel at.  They do chin-ups/pull-ups, which I suck at.  In all honesty, I can probably do one.

So, I was going through some Runner's World forums and came across a guy who listed these pages:

I don't really need the pushup guidance.  Like I said, I can max that without much drama.  Just need to keep up barbell presses on a flat bench. 

However, situps?  If I could do 200 of them, I could probably do the 83 of them required to max the PRT in 2 minutes.  I don't run out of time on this event.  My abs just give up after a minute or so.  Typical performance on this event is about 51 in a minute.  If I could just keep going for the full two minutes, I could max the event.

The twenty pull-ups is a great challenge.  That's a respectable number and one I could be proud of. 

Running?  Well... that's just going to take time.  I could probably run a 6 minute mile after my first marathon, but that was 10 years ago, when I was in my 30s.  I think the first step to getting faster is completing a marathon.  I know that's not the perfect way, but it is probably the most focused and best motivational way to build the aerobic base required for hard interval training that improves speed.

Just thought I'd point these out to anybody who might be interested.  These challenges are great fitness goals. 

1 comment:

TexasPatrick said...

Funny man, I could set you straighter on cfit if you wanted. And you misunderstand what prowler pushes do. That's my fault, since I only spout off about the crazy shit, but they're not a "ginormo muscle builder". It's a conditioning tool. That's all. I mean, I've been doing it for like 3 years and I don't think I bs about it. I know the faults and the benefits.