Yesterday was a good day all in all. I intended to get caught up on my reading for school.
I did read one small section. Need to buckle down today.
I had a great run. The weather is cooling off in the evenings, now, and it's bearable to run outside. So, relief from the dreadmill until the weather turns crappy again.
At work, I was a machine. Honestly, if this is the result of Law School: that it focuses me on work to give me an excuse for procrastination, it's worth every penny of tuition money. I don't think I've been as productive in the last 6 months as I've been in the past couple of days.
Diet-wise? I didn't do so good. Had a Steak and Shake meal and then some chinese for supper. Big Mac for lunch. Breakfast, I had biscuits and gravy.
So, overall, I'd say they day was:
Schoolwork? C-
Excercise? A
Work-work? A
Diet? D
Overall, I'll take it. I think being in school is making me better at a lot of things. Should have done this years ago.
I slept in pretty late today (9:30) and didn't exactly bound out of bed. Part of it is that I haven't been sleeping enough since coming back from drill. The other half, I think, is the workout. So far, so good, though. This is the fun phase of training. You get faster almost every day.
I also just sent off my DAWIA certification request. I'm afraid that by doing so, I've put myself in the pipeline. So long as I can finish 1L year first, I should be okay. At this point, I'm trying to decide whether it'd be best to pick my poison and chose a tour that works well with school, or just stay low and wait until they tap me. At this point, I'm chosing the path of inaction.
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