Tuesday, August 16, 2011

I got rice cookin' in the microwave. Got a 3 day beard I don't plan to shave...

It's good to be home.  Feels like I never left.

Went to Logan's football practice last night and it was mostly just drills.  They're working out with helmets this week, then next week, they get pads. 

There were a lot of kids there but they'll be divided up into 4 different teams.  Two 6th grader teams and two 5th grader teams.  Logan seemed to be doing well.  He'll know his team this weekend.

My coursework (training courses) for my DAWIA certification has all posted to their web-site.  I need to update my education (college education) and then I can apply for my certification.  This pretty much puts me in the pipeline for a trip downrange.  The deployment tempo for all Navy reservists is slowing considerably, but DAWIA certification is still a great way to get sent downrange.

There have been some changes at the reserve unit which will mean that I'll be there for almost all drills from here on out.  It looks like I am going to be given the detachment's Operations Officer position.  Either that or Admin Officer.  Dear God, let it be Ops.  Better job and better suited to my capabilities.  I'll be an O-3 in January, so it's time I did something more substantial.

Had a long talk with one of my Supply Corps classmates and it sounds like our cohort is dropping like flies.  Lots of guys doing a deployment, then requesting transfer to the IRR (which effectively ends their reserve career.)  Not sure what my long-term plans are.  I guess I'm still playing it by ear at this point.  I would feel bad leaving, now, since I only just now finished up my certification and haven't really done anything for the Navy, yet.

This was a good, eventful month in the reserves, though.  In addition to DAWIA, I qualified with a pistol, which I've wanted to do forever.  I qualified as Expert, which means I have another medal I can wear. 

Law school starts tomorrow with orientation.  I still need to get a dishwasher and I haven't got any of my books.  I'll go early to orientation so I can spend some time in the bookstore and get what I need.  Books for Law School are muthafarkin' expensive.

I'm as ready as I think I can be for Law School, but I think it's just one of those things where you don't know much until you're actually in it.  I'm excited for the semester to begin. 

Business has been very good lately.  All thumbs up on that front, though this is typically the start of our really slow period.  All I can do is take it one day at a time on that.  However, if things keep up this way, we should be able to hire an office person in the Spring.

Gotta keep the good momentum going on fitness.  I finally got to where I can cover 4 miles in a reasonable amount of time.  I'm going to keep that as my training distance for another month or so to give my body time to adjust to it.  Also, I want to incorporate more rowing.

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