Thursday, August 4, 2011

This week is dragging...

This week has been dragging.  Sitting in class is a drag.  It's not the instructors' fault.  They're both excellent.  The material isn't that bad.  Just sitting there all day is boring.  At least with law school I get a break between classes.

At least so far I don't see anything that should keep me from getting my completion certificate.  After that, I submit my packet for Dawia level I.  Then wait to either be approved or not.  Not sure what I'd do if not.  They're changing the standards and it's hard enough as a reservist to try and do this.  I think once the standards change, it'll go from being "really difficult" to "practically impossible" to do this as a reservist.

I've been thinking a lot about my life and what I should do with what's left of my working life.  It's so odd to be thinking about the last 20 years of my working life.  Granted, I think a lot of folks in my generation are going to end up working forever, and I'm probably not going to be the exception. 

I do know that for the next 8 years, no matter what I do, the geography isn't going to change.  So, whatever I do, it has to be something that can be done while I live in Sylvania.  After Logan is off to college all bets are off.  Until then, I'm staying put.

At that point, I'll be 54 years old.  That's pretty long in the tooth to start a brand-new career.  So, my next moves should, in theory, set me up well for the rest of my working life.

Tomorrow, though, I go home for the weekend, which is going to be great.  I'll be spending the weekend with my son visiting family in Akron for a wedding. 

After that, one more week of class, then a weekend of drill.  I always sort of dread going to drill, then actually enjoy it when it's happening.  I know one thing for sure:  if I can't get a drilling location convenient to home for my next billet, I'm done.  I'm not travelling like this again.

So, packing the truck up with dirty laundry to wash this weekend.  With any luck, we'll get out a little early tomorrow. 

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