Sunday, March 13, 2011

Trying to Shrink my Radical Middle

Okay, I'm back on the wagon.  Was doing well in the Fall, but then there was some wierdness about my treadmill.  (Don't ask and don't get me started.  Really.)  I also did a vacation to Disney with my boy.  The diet went out the window, then the holidays approached.

Now, I'm back on the diet.  A few little tweaks to it, though.  I'm going a little lower carb and a little higher fat because of some things from the documentary "Fat Head".  I'm not sure where my scale is, but I'll start weighing myself, soon. 

The workouts have changed, too.  I'm going 50% rower workouts and 50% treadmill.  So far, so good.  No problems with hips, knees or ankles and such. 

The other day I bought a bunch of those Starkist tuna salad kits.  They give you a packet of tuna, some light mayo and some relish.  You mix it up yourself and you put it on ritz crackers. 

I figured that was an expensive way to go.  So, I've been buying canned tuna, mayo, relish, eggs and crackers to make the stuff myself.  Good stuff and not nearly as bad for me as I would have thought at first.

I'm also including a few more breakfasts that are actual eggs with turkey bacon.  Oatmeal, I'm convinced, is a miracle food, but it gets sorta gacky chocking the stuff down now and then.  Need a little variety in the diet, anyway. 

I have my Navy weigh-in next month, which only gives me a few more weeks to try and bring my weight down.  We'll see how it goes.  Even when I'm over the weight standard, I always fall within tape standards.  (Tape is a rough body-fat approximation.)

After that, I just need to pass the fitness test.  That used to not be much of a big deal when I was younger.  These days, the situps and pushups aren't a problem, but the run gets harder every year.  Losing weight will help with that, of course.

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