Saturday, March 19, 2011

Things should start looking up...

We picked up a couple water jobs in the past couple of days.  The preferred vendor agreements my franchisor has been out getting really have made a difference.  They're gaining momentum and are representing a bigger and bigger chunk of our business.  At that point, this truly is a franchise. 

I do worry that a lot of somewhat shady activity is hurting us.  We're not doing anything shady, though.  That's what's hurting us.  I know that some adjusters take bribes.  Others have cozy relationships with vendors that may or may not be for up-and-up reasons. 

We've avoided that sort of thing.  Instead, I've preferred to simply let the quality of our work speak for itself.  Most days, I think I'm being exceedingly naive, though.  I just don't want to open that can of worms of starting to do things that are a little shady.  Once you go down that road, you're lost, in my opinion.

These preferred vendor agreements are perfect, though.  They take any corrupt adjusters right out of the mix.  Granted, they also take good adjusters out of the mix, too, but for the most part, these preferred agreements tend to go our way, not to our competitors. 

It sure would be nice if this thing started making money again.  I'm really starting to lose hope.  Two years is a long time to bail water.  Sooner or later you have to accept that the smart thing is to abandon ship.

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