Sunday, April 3, 2011

Texas, Navy, Law, Taxes, Baseball...

This week I head down to Fort Worth for the last time until the late Summer / early Fall.  I'll be there for 4 days.  After this, there's a supply conference in June that will take up about half of my available remaining drills.  Then, I just need to show up one last time in September, and I'll be finished for the fiscal year, which starts every October 1st.

I have no idea what sort of drill schedule I'll be doing next year, given that I'll be in law school.  I can still probably travel to drills, but won't want to go down during December since that's final exams.  We also should have a new commander in October.  A lot will depend on how flexible and accomodating he's willing to be with me.  There's just no telling what things will be like in the Fall, so no point in worrying about it now.  At the moment, the only real benefit I get from this is my health insurance since I'm paying my own travel everywhere.  I probably net a few thousand dollars a year, but not much, really.

This will be the last time I get to hang with the Texas homies for a while, too.  It's been great catching up with them. 

I need to get everything bolted down for Law school in the Fall.  One of the bigger implications is that I probably can't go on the family vacation to Disney.  I'll just have to see how that goes.  Maybe Tessa can go in my place.  Maybe Logan can go without me.  He'd probably enjoy the flight and he's a lot older than I was when I first made cross-country flights on my own.  On the other hand, I was a little young when I did my first one in seventh grade.  (Previously, I had crossed the pacific on an airplane unaccompanied, but I was three years old.  I really don't remember anything from that.) 

I'll talk that over with folks and see how it goes.  I'd hate for Logan to miss it, but there's no way I can take that sort of time off, right before finals.  It would literally be the last week of class right before final exams.  Probably not a good idea to miss.

Taxes are coming due.  I have my stuff to the CPA and am curious what he comes up with.  I really shouldn't owe much, if anything.  Once I have my tax returns in hand, I'll be taking them to school to line up financial aid for next Fall.  Not sure what I can do, overall.  Again, I'll just have to wait and see.

Logan's travel season has started up and I can see this will take up a lot of time this year, just like it did last year.  If I do the law school thing, I may need to take a lesser role in baseball for a while.  Once exams are done in early May, I'm fine.  I can participate as much as possible.  However, until then, I'll need to have my nose buried in books.

I have a plan for my first year and it involves getting started right now.  There's a lot that can be done prior to the first day of classes to try and tilt things your way and I intend to do them all.  It's a lot of work, and it is taking a bit of time, but so far, nothing I can't handle.

In the mean time, it'll be nice to get the Navy off my plate until the end of the Summer.  In the mean time, it looks like we might get some rain.  I'm so shell shocked right now, I hardly dare to hope but I need to stay encouraged.  With normal weather, I could be in good financial shape again, soon. 

On this and every other variable in my life right now, only time will tell.

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