Thursday, April 14, 2011

Law, the Baseball-verse and Everything

There is a short-fused (Navy-speak for "so... your bags packed yet?") opportunity for a logistics planner in Japan for a few weeks.  I've volunteered for it.

Tessa will be able to handle things if I'm gone.  All in all, she is a great person.  I was/am very lucky.

Baseball season started last night.  We played the best team in the league.  They beat us 14-4, but really, we had one really bad inning and other than that, we did okay.  We didn't play them this well last year.  So, the team is closing the gap.

We have an easier team on Friday. 

Haven't been sleeping well.  I really need to start working out again.  Will have to hit it tonight.

Reaching the end of the road for the business.  I probably need to request a deployment, soon.  If I do, that sort of hoses up the whole law school thing, but ya know, that's how life goes sometimes.  You do what you have to do.

I need to finish up one more class for my contracting certification, though.  I'm really supposed to be a DAWIA Level II, but I can deploy with a Level I.  I need one more class, and am having trouble getting it.  I'm pinging some guys higher up in the chain and the unit is helping by providing verification that I'm in an acquisition billet, etc. 

The timing of all this is bad.  I just keep reminding myself that in this economy a lot of people are having to do things and go through things they'd probably rather not have to.

At least I am not totally out of options.  I'm running out of them, but I'm not out, yet.  Nobody said life was always supposed to be easy.

Wish me luck.  I could use it.  Things haven't really been going my way, lately. 

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