Tuesday, January 10, 2012

I've got snu. What's "snu"? Not much, what'snu with you?

The ping pong robot arrives tomorrow.  My son will be pretty pumped.  It'll also be the first step towards he and I achieving ping pong mastery.  I will have to ask, but he had a friend over the other day who is pretty good at table tennis and had been consistently beating him before.  I think he may have won.  He does love him some ping pong.

My treadmill is at the freight handler, but he can't deliver the thing until Friday the 20th.  I am tempted to grab a truck and go get it, but I'll let him deliver.  I can live without it for another 10 days.  I am really eager to try it out, though.  It's a huge step up from the last one I had.  Wider belt, longer deck.  I'm really looking forward to it.

I've had a lot more energy the past few days.  I've been hitting the gym a lot more regularly.  I think on days without Logan, I'll try and get there for at least a half an hour.  That accomplishes a lot.  Once the treadmill arrives, I'll start doing some work on there, too.  Plus the rower.  I really have no excuse to be out of shape.  I have the resources I need to get in the best shape of my life. 

I actually cleaned the floor for the first time in 2 years.  I'm also continuing on my quest to make the ulitmate pizza.  Been working with different dough recipies. 

Got some A/R in and getting close to getting caught up.  As I detailed in my biz blog, I'm going to see if I can come up with $10,000 in cost avoidances for 2012.  That's just real money no matter how you slice it.  The first two ideas:  cheaper cell phone plan and cheaper trash service, are sorta easy.  Should have done those a long time ago.  The rest will be a little tougher, but I'm hoping that by being focused on it, things will occur to me.

School is in gear again and this weekend, I'll get current on all the reading and get my head straight for the upcoming semester.  I'm still a little disappointed that my grades weren't better, but it could have been worse.  All in all, I can live with this.  I'm actually a little bit fired up to see if I can't do a little better next semester.  I'm not sure if/when they publish our class ranks, but I should at least be in the upper half, but not by all that much.  It'll be interesting to see.

I also noticed that my two highest grades are in the classes that I'm not taking Part II of right now.  Torts, and Civ Pro.  I can take Civ Pro II next year, but right now, I'm taking constitutional law instead. 

I think I will visit the two other profs and go over my exams with them in case they can point out something that could help me get a better grade this time around. 

I really am not sure how this will go, but I would like to try and get a good enough GPA to keep my scholarship.  I need a 3.2 at the end of this year.  As of today, I have a 3.088.  So, anything over about a 3.312 next semester and I should be able to keep it.  There are a lot of ways to get there.  It's hard to do, though, unless I pull an A in one of my classes.  I didn't manage to do that this semester.  So, we'll see if I can do it next.

If not, I'll probably just keep trucking along at sticker price.

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