Tuesday, October 19, 2010

This is the Winter... well... Autumn of our discontent...

I was sort of looking forward to the last quarter of this year because we'd liquidate some debt and go into next year with about $15,000 worth of debt service and cost avoidance that could make things easier.

We're really stumbling into the last part of the year, though.  The weather continues to be amazingly perfect around here.  Things are really bad for business. 

This thing has been sputterring for so long, it's just depressing these days.  It's a challenge to work up the motivation to keep things going.  Pretty much the only thing I can do to lower costs is to let a couple more people go, but that wouldn't make enough of a difference to matter, much. 

I will start looking around for assets to sell. It's a bad time to be trying to sell stuff, but that's just the breaks sometimes.  It's stuff I should have probably sold, anyway, though.  So, it's not all bad to get rid of it.

I keep holding on in the hopes that business conditions will improve.  If we could just get normal weather patterns around here, they'd improve a considerable amount.  However, I just can't keep holding out forever.  I won't put any more money into the business.  It's already completely drained (and imperiled) my finances.  At this point, I'll be selling off assets to make ends meet.

Eventually, there won't be enough assets to continue operations.  When that happens, I know it's time to hang it up. 

So, a year from now, I could be beating the street looking for a job, or I could be rich again because business finally took off.

Of course, there are no jobs, so that's not much of a realistic option.  More likely, I'll try to get deployed with the Navy.  Someday, the economy will recover, though frankly, the two historical examples of something like this both took more than a decade to get straightened out:  our great depression and Japan's "lost decade".  So, I will probably be almost 50 before America gets fully back to work again.

I'm selling off a lot of personal stuff, too.  The guitars are down to just the ones that really aren't worth that much.  I'm selling off guns, now.  Will keep a few, but for the most part, anything that I can sell, I will be selling.  It makes sense to streamline and consolidate, anyway.  I just had too much stuff, and most of it, I never used.  It'll feel good to simplify.

I don't see anything that will turn things around for a while.  We're probably looking at another couple of months before things get really cold, and payables have really been stretched out lately.  So, best realistic case for rescue won't happen for another 3 months. 

That's a long time off.  In the mean time, this is just miserable.  I'm worn out trying to keep this thing afloat. 

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