Thursday, October 21, 2010

Looking Forward to the Weekend...

There's some sort of burrowing animal that's digging next to my house.  I probably will call a pest control type person to take care of it.  Whatever it is, it's displaced a large amount of dirt.  Not sure that it's harmful, per se.  I just know I don't want it there.

I can't believe how busy things have been these past couple of weeks.  It's just been one thing after another.  This is the first time since I went into business for myself that I can remember not having enough time to get around to things.

The cable guy didn't finish yesterday until noon.  That was a huge chunk of my day.  Though the house really needed it.  The money pit is depressing enough as it is, but without cable or internet, it's really bad.  Now, I have cable and Netflix on demand. 

Of course, while I'm in this Arabic class, that's the last thing I need.  I have a quiz I need to take tomorrow.  Our 2nd test is coming up on Tuesday.  I need to figure out what I'm going to do for my project.  Other than that, our teacher is pretty good about grades.  If you're putting in the effort, you can get a good grade.

I think all I need is a B or C for the Navy Culture program.  That shouldn't be too hard to do.  Right now, with bonus points, I actually have more points than I need to have 100% in the class.

Being back in school has reminded me just how little I like being in school.  It's not that it's bad, but working and going to school is the pits.  I remember when I was young that people would always talk about how working and going to school made the whole experience so much more valuable.

I remember a lunch I had with some executives back in my corporate days.  The subject of working your way though school came up.  One of the executives said, "I know it's supposed to teach you hard work and time management.  Mostly though, it just taught me how to be tired."

I totally agreed with her.  Ironically, my business requires more attention right now than it has in years.  So, having one more thing on my plate is not something I need right now.  It's amazing how utterly inconvenient a night school class can be as far as a person's schedule.

On a tangent, I have decided to start selling off some of the older equipment at the business.  It needed to go, and I should have sold it off years ago.  Now, there's a bit of necessity behind the decision.  We paid off one of our vans early (it wasn't due to be paid off until December), and will be selling that, soon. 

Really, all this stuff needed to go.  The van is 6 years old, and has had a lot of hard use.  The other equipment we're selling is useful, but getting outdated.  If I hang on to it for much longer, it won't be worth anything at all.

I also should probably move forward on hiring a marketer.  I get resumes every day, but the first guy to apply has been the best fit so far.  At the least, I should call him in for a face-to-face interview. 

Project e-bay is going really well.  My original intention was to find $10,000 worth of stuff that I haven't touched in a year or more and see if I can e-bay it off.  So far, so good.  The first guitars, oddly, felt like the 10 days of the action just flew by.  Now, 10 days seems like a long time.  Maybe because, at first, I didn't want to part with my stuff.

Now?  I am actually a little relieved to be simplifying and cutting down on all the junk in my house.  I am a pack-rat and a collector.  If left to my own devices, I'd be filling warehouses with stuff that I never touch. 

Then, after a while, I sit and think about all the junk I have, with no need for it, and that I never actually even touch, and wonder what the heck I was thinking when I bought all the stuff.

Not such a big deal when you're rich, but when times are tight, it's time to simplify.

The other day, I figured I'd be able to get through this economic crunch.  Someday, I'll be rich again.  Building from zero last time took me about 2 years to do it.  Now, the business has the basic structure.  We can add people as we get busy again. 

It's times like these where you pay your dues, and that means you don't have to feel guilty about how well things are going when times get good again.  Next year could be a totally different ballgame.

I am looking forward to the weekend.  Need to get rested and caught up on things.  It's been a busy, busy few weeks. 

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