Friday, October 30, 2009

Show Biz Parenting or Lack Thereof

8 years old is proving to be a very, very interesting age. I had just gotten used to the last iteration of Logan, Logan 4.0, and now comes Logan 5.0.

He's got a crush on a little girl at school. Also, for the first time in his life, he's taken an interest in music. That is something I am excited about. However, I'm leery of smothering his interest and turning him off.

The other day he was doing some windmill air-guitar and I told him that was something Pete Townshend used to do. I was astounded when he actually showed interest as I went upstairs and got my Concert for NY DVD out and played 3 Who songs for him.

He loved it all. The angry, windmill style of Pete, the microphone swinging antics of Roger Daltrey. He had to understand the sheer reverence I had for the guys as I described their greatness. I explained the tragedy of Keith Moon and how he was a great, great musician.

He asked how he died, and I used it as an opportunity to explain how drugs ruin people.

Logan is genuinely interested in seeing "This Is It". He's been a Jackson 5 fan for as far back as I can remember. I've played "ABC", "I Want You Back" and "The Love You Save" for him since he was very, very small.

It has also given me some teaching opportunities. I've explained that Michael was performing when he was Logan's age. I've also explained that Michael was a messed up person.

And the "messed up" part is why, with all my might, I am trying not to be a show business parent.

This is the first year Logan has shown an interest in learning an instrument. He can play a few notes on guitar. He's learning to play the recorder at school. Today I'll move my keyboards down into the basement with the electronic drums so he can noodle.

Although he has the beginnings of a spark, I don't want to put it out by putting too much on him.

In the back of my mind, though, nothing could please me more than seeing him take an interest in music.

A few of his friends are forming a band of some sort. I don't want to push Logan too much. He's got access to guitars, a bass, keyboards and drums. I'll just leave them around and give him time to explore.

He finishes baseball and football this weekend. So, that will give me 2 months where he won't have any sports on the schedule.

I think the key to both happiness and success in life is to do what you love. So far, he has shown a passion for sports. Music? I hope one develops, but again, I'm trying not to push too hard.

Music is a much better fit for me to mentor him, since it's something I know a little about. I got a late start in life, trying to teach myself guitar, off and on, until I broke through with the help of the old book "the Beatles Compleat" that was given to me by Stu Kemper.

(It was an obscure book that was nonetheless the rage among the guitar players I knew in school. It actually ended up teaching a bit more than a good collection of Beatle transcriptions because about every other song was transcribed in a different key, usually meant for piano, like Eb.)

16 was too late to ever really be any good at guitar, and my lack of skills, despite years of effort, attest to that.

Logan, on the other hand, has the ability to really accomplish something if he picks it up sometime before his teen years.

Sports? I'm of much less help, other than being willing to take him to/from practice. He already has exceeded my ability to coach him in baseball, and will exceed my ability to coach him in football and basketball, probably in the next couple of years.

I am reminded of a time when he was very little and he said, "Dad, if I'm ever in a band, I'll need a better guitar".

All I could think was, "Boy, were you born in the right house, son."

So, the keyboards go up today and after this weekend, I'll see if I can spend some more time showing him a thing or two on the guitar.

If nothing else, I'd like to see him be able to play songs with me someday, for fun. Best-case, if he could be in a band in High School or College, all the better.

I'll probably see if I can show him the Beatles appearance on Ed Sullivan.  Now that he likes girls, he might make the connection between the screams and being the guy on stage with a guitar.

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