Sunday, July 22, 2012

Logan's First Concert

Yesterday was a pretty big day for the little guy.  Started with a birthday party at the local public pool.  This has always been an easy party to throw.  Admission to the pool is cheap (only $2.50 per kid), and they have a little covered picnic pavillion in a park next to the pool.  So, I set up refreshments, etc., in the park, turn the kids loose in the pool and they come in and out and eat cake, pizza, whatever.  Don't have to clean the house before or after and the kids always have a blast.

After that, I took the dry ice I'd used to keep the ice cream cold and used it to teach a little bit of science.  Carbon Dioxide is a gas, but can freeze into a solid.  It is heavier than air, which is mostly nitrogen, etc.  Mostly, Logan just liked putting it in water and watching what it did.  I'm trying to introduce him to the idea that science is fun.

After that, thanks to a very generous friend who is a concert promoter, we saw a concert with 1964, the Beatles tribute band.  This is the 2nd time I've seen them.  Their act is always amazingly spot-on.  I often find myself wondering if their show is tighter than the Beatles live shows were back in the 1960s.  They have the benefit of better equipment and monitors.  Plus, they've been playing the same music for 28 years.  Though, the Beatles went through their Kiserkeller phase and got to where they had serious chops, too.  So, hard to say on that one.

I will say that I can't imagine a band sounding more like the early Beatles.  The Fab Faux do a great job with late Beatles stuff, but they don't try to look like the Beatles.  With 1964, it doesn't take much to feel like you're watching the real thing.

We got to go backstage and meet "John" and "Paul".  They were not in character.  So, they didn't have their northern England accents.  The bass player is new.  (So new that he's not on the 1964 web-site, yet.)  They were super friendly and Logan got his pic with both of them. Paul was very nice.  He's a young guy and does look a tad like Paul.  He was very nice when he heard that Logan is an aspiring bass player.  They talked about their instruments a little bit.  Then, they were off to do their show!

The concert venue is close to my home.  (30 minute walk.)  So, Logan and I got to spend some nice time walking to and from.  All in all, it was a great day he's not likely to forget anytime soon.

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