Wednesday, June 20, 2012

So much going on, so little to say...

I haven't written much lately.  It's not that things are quiet.  Things are about as eventful as they've ever been in my life.  It's just that I'm not sure what to say, or how much to say about my life.

Things are changing, though.  This time next year, I don't think much will be the same at all.  I may be starting a new job here in a few weeks.  If not, I'll be going back to Law School full-time in the Fall.

I think I have a roadmap for how I'd be able to get through 2L year of law school, but after that, things get hazy.  The job I may be starting is with the federal government.  Government job-security.  Government benefits.  Government pension.

In fact, this job was high on my list of potential jobs to apply to at graduation from law school, anyway.  It's just that due to a bizarre convergence of events, I may be able to start it this Summer instead of at graduation.

It would be three hours away, which will put a crimp on things with my son for sure.  I'll still maintain a household in Sylvania, even if it's just an apartment.  It'll be a crazy drive, and I am not entirely sure how all the details will work out.  I'd be home every single weekend.  That's not in question.  The only real issue is whether I could be home during the week at all, or how many days.  I really won't know that until I get settled in to the new job and am doing my thing there.

This means, of course, that my biz is winding down.  Not sure the exact shape and form of how I'll transition away from it, but one way or another, my days in it are numbered.  It was a good run.  It was a biggo chunk of my life.  However, I'm ready for something new.  I just don't envision myself being in this business when I'm 55.  So, it's not a question of if I want to move on.  It's just a question of when and how.

If something didn't work out and I didn't take the job, I'm actually really happy at the prospect of going back to school full-time in the Fall.  It's just that I don't know what I'd do to afford to go during my 3L year.  I'd also be graduating dead-broke.  In this market, I'd almost certainly have to hang out a shingle.  It's hard to start a business, even a pure service business, when you have zero capital. 

Right now, pretty much everything in my life is up in the air.  I think that's why I haven't posted much.  There should be a lot of things being resolved, one way or another, in the next few months. When that happens, I'll have real news.  Until then, I'm just trying to keep my head above water.

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