Thursday, May 3, 2012

Now I'm towing my car... there's a hole in the roof...

Just got back from the job interview in Dayton.  I felt like it went well.  Not fabulously or anything, but well.  Though they did point out that there is a hiring freeze right now.  So, it may be a while... like months, before I hear anything.  I guess that's encouraging, because if they thought I sucked, they would be able to let me hear something right away.

Still bummed that school turned out like it did this semester.  I really did want to try and keep the rest of my life from destroying my semester, but I didn't succeed.  By my estimation, I will have to repeat two classes.  We'll see.  Could actually end up worse.  Could be better, but could be worse.  Only time will tell.

My AC unit at my house is dead.  Yah.  Freakin' yay.  Oh well.  Why the hell not. 

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