Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Everything, All the Time

The semester is over and I'm only now just settling into a normal, Summer-vacation routine.  So much going on.  I feel like I'm in the middle of a whirlwind.

First, school is over.  I was tempted to withdraw from my classes, and frankly, maybe I should have.  However, I hoped I could eke out a few passing grades.  Even if I passed only half my classes, that beats withdrawing from all of them. 

I passed my legal research and writing class.  From a thumbnail, I feel like I passed two of my classes.  The other two will be iffy.  It's all done, now, though.  All I can do is sit back and wait for grades to be posted.

The business looks like it'll survive another month.  Survival is all I dare hope for these days.  You really have to have a sort of inner strength to keep captaining a battered ship like mine.  I'm not sure I still have that strength, but it is amazing what a person can do when there simply isn't any other choice.

I feel like a Dickens character, Mr. Micawber from David Copperfield.  "Something will turn up."  He ended up in debtors prison, though.  Let's hope I can avoid that fate.

The baseball season has started.  That's always a happy time for me.  Following baseball for kids is like following baseball for grownups.  There's always another game right around the corner.  The game is just as beautiful when it's played by 7 year olds as it is when played by adults.  It's just beautiful in a different way.

My divorce is finally lurching forward.  Seeing the papers so far, I am put somewhat at ease.  I think I'll be fine in all this.  Though, I really don't want much of anything out of the divorce.  My estranged can have everything.  If she really wanted, she could have the business, too.  It has been an albatross around my neck for some time, now. 

I guess I want to keep the business because, if it craters, then only I would be affected.  One of us should prosper for the well being of our son, and if it's her, so be it.  It's not like the business couldn't do well in the future, but if I had to lay odds, I'd say that it's more likely that it'll crater than it is that it will prosper.  Still, who knows.  It could beat the odds. 

Or, if it could just glide-path downwards over the next couple of years, until I could finish law school, that would work, too. 

I'm still looking for a job, but in this economy, that's as easy to find as hen's teeth.  Maybe something will happen, but I think there are a lot of folks out there praying for something to happen for them, soon. 

So, that's what's going on in my life at the moment.  Still just hanging on.  Barely making it, dancing on the edge most of the time, but still here.  All in all, it could be worse.

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