Monday, March 12, 2012

Taxes and Divorce Paperwork

I got my tax info ready to drop off at the accountant.  That will be a relief.  Not sure what's going to happen this year, but I won't have much tax liability.  We'll just have to see how it goes once all the deductions are applied.

I still have some forms to fill out for the divorce attorney, and I hope to have them done today.  That's another thing where I'll be very, very glad when things are finalized. 

Other than that, back to school after a nice break.  We had one week off for Spring Break and I took the previous week off to work on my memo.  (We get 4 absences per class and this basically worked out to 2 of those in each class.)

Back to the grind.  Fall semester, I really enjoyed school.  This semester?  Not so much.

There's a pretty strong possibility that I won't be able to continue as a full-time student after this semester.  The business has been struggling and I really need to find a job.  If I can't find one here, I may have to move to a city with a more vibrant economy. 

The business?  It's close to bankruptcy at this point.  It has truly been a burden these past few years.  I may liquidate my assets after this semester if things don't turn around in the next few months.

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