Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Why I'm Pissed after the State of the Union Address

Okay, off the top of my head, here are the things that have me completely hacked off and ready to move to Canada:

1.  Michelle Bachman, in the Tea Party response, blamed the jump in unemployment on Obama.  Good lord, is she kidding?  The surge in unemployment is due to Bush, Clinton, Paulson, Geithner and predominantly Republican Congresses doing all they could to make sure Wall Street could steal all they could carry.  Our unemployment rate isn't Obama's fault.  It's mostly Republicans' fault. 

2.  The Republicans have got to stop trying to repeal Obamacare.  Seriously.  Yes, Barack Obama was a complete and total moron to spend the first year of his presidency to produce such an idiotic and worthless bill.  It accomplishes next to nothing.  It does nothing whatsoever, to address the real problem with health care in the United States:  unrestrained costs that are completely out of line with what the rest of the world pays.  HOWEVER, it accomplishes NEXT TO nothing, but it didn't accomplish nothing.  There are a few good things in there. 

The fight to repeal it would be nearly as stupid as the fight to pass such a watered down, corrupted bill in the first place.

At this point, the damage is done.  Obama fiddled with health care while America burned, but it's done.  Obama is right:  fix it, amend it, make it better.  It was a stupid thing for him to do, and it's part of the reason he lost the House of Representatives.  He took his lumps, let's all move on.

Yes, parts of it need to be repealed, like... oh... the mandates that the administration is currently exempting all the unions from.  Typical Washington games:  rules are rules, unless you're Wall Street or a union.

Unless the Republicans are going to address costs, then whatever they have to say on the issue is completely worthless.

The Republicans havevery few good ideas on health care.  The biggest problem with Obamacare was that he wasn't big-government, enough.  It was that he wasn't far enough to the left. 

We need a single payer system so we can negotiate prices that are the same as the rest of the world pays.  Until that happens, health care providers and pharma are going to do exactly what Wall Street is doing:  stealing all they can until the country collapses.

3.  Obama was all full of praise for the brothers in Michigan who got government money and started making solar panels.  Oh, come on.  We're supposed to celebrate that another formerly free-market company realized that the best way to make money is to stop pulling the wagon and jump into it, instead?  That the formula for success is to get money from the government?  That's not reinvention.  If anything, that's EXACTLY what's wrong with America right now.

4.  We have 1 in 6, or more likely 1 in 5 Americans who can't find good jobs right now.  We have farging problems.  These idiots are all together giving standing ovations to a barely competent president while real Americans are sufferring.  Glad you think the state of the union is strong, Mr. President, but I am sort of curious what planet you live on.

5.  Why in the world is everybody chosing NOW to try and cut spending?  Honestly people, this is not the time.  Of all the things to have bipartisan agreement on, this is downright nuts. 

6.  Pretty obvious that when Wall Street needs help, the federal government will mobilize any amount of money, with no conditions and give it to them as fast as possible so they won't have to suffer.  However, when it comes to rescuing main street?  Hey, it happens when it happens.  No urgency at all.

If we put 1/10th the resources into rescuing Main Street that we did with Wall Street, it'd be a whole different picture, now. 

Heck, if we did 1/10th as much for Main Street as we're doing for Wall Street RIGHT NOW, it'd be a whole 'nother ball game.  Imagine if ordinary Americans were able to borrow money at 0.1% interest.  Imagine if ordinary Americans were allowed to be completely insolvent, yet still operate businesses?  Imagine if ordinary Americans could lend money to the federal government for more interest than they were paying the fed, and imagine if ordinary Americans made money just for handling the transaction?

We should replace, "e pluribus unum" with "everything for wall street, no matter the cost... the rest can eat cake."

I'm sad to say that I've reached a point where I'm completely disgusted with the United States of America.  I'll raise my son here, but after that, if I could move to Canada, I would.

I will continue to serve in the Navy for a little while longer, but if things don't improve, and I doubt they will, I won't be putting my ass on the line for a country that exists solely for the benefit of a bunch of Wall Street bankers.  I'm not going to sacrifice my life for a bunch of guys who don't even think they should have to sacrifice a bonus for a problem they, themselves created.

We are so screwed.  They're actually destroying our country.

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