Monday, July 5, 2010

One more time... time to lose weight...

When I get back from Hawaii, I'm going to go full-tilt on trying to lose some weight.  I joined a local gym.  ($20 a month, no contracts.  Gyms are getting seriously cheap these days.)  Talked with a trainer who gave me a diet to follow.

I've been trying to lose about 20 pounds for nearly a decade, now.  I've not really put the effort into fitness since taking my "break" after finishing Ironman New York in 2000.  That break is now a decade old. 

I'm also trying to run again, which is a chore, let me tell you.  Last time I got serious about this was when I had lost a bunch of weight.  It became a chicken/egg thing:  I couldn't tell whether I was losing weight because I was running, or whether I was just running more because I was losing weight.  In any event, it became a virtuous circle that included being careful about what I ate because I didn't want to give up the gains I was making.

I have a goal of running another marathon, but we'll just have to see how that goes. 

I bought a rice steamer and I'm glad I did.  I don't know if you can just buy refrigerated chicken breasts, but I would think you can.  Not only does this thing make perfect rice, but because it takes 40 minutes, it makes me wait a little bit instead of seeking instant gratification every time I'm hungry.  I may get a second one to keep at work. 

Logan has one more game tomorrow, but I won't see it.  However, he sent me off on my business trip with what was probably his best day of baseball all year.

Out of the blue, he got moved up to leadoff hitter.  Ended the day with 8 at bats in 2 games.  1 strike-out swinging, 1 walk and 6 hits.  A monster day by any measure.  He also ruled center field.

It's a tricky thing.  At center field, he's really head and shoulders above the next best available player.  He could probably play second or third base (and has had a lot of innings at those positions throughout the year), but in all honesty, the difference between him and the next best available player at those positions isn't that great.

So, it makes sense for him to play CF when the game is on the line.  I'd like to see him play more infield in the future, though.  We'll see.

Tryouts aren't until the end of August.  I'd like to give him as much time as possible away from baseball between now and then to avoid burnout.  Maybe sometime in August, we'll do a few practices to keep him sharp.

Business was soft in May and June, but July looks like it'll be pretty good.  I'm just riding the storm out praying for the best.

1 comment:

Erin said...

On weight loss: If there is anyone I know who can get rid of 20 pesky pounds it is you. I have seen you do amazing things time and time again once you put your mind to it. (i.e. Ironman, Marathon, a music studio in your house, starting and running a successful business,etc.). Stay the course. It is worth it. Being in shape is the best gift you can give yourself. And the work that you have to do to get there makes you realize how valuable your health is and that it is not easy.