Monday, July 19, 2010

I shaved my head, and the diet is one week old...

Charles Barkeley once said something to the effect of, "I don't know why white guys are such pansies when they lose their hair.  They do combovers and all sorts of stuff.  Black guys just man up and when their hair starts to go, they shave it off."

I have to agree with that to some degree.  I'm not bald, but I do have a pretty big bald spot on the crown of my head.  My hair is also thinning on top.  It's noticeable, but I still basically look like a person with hair (and a giant bald spot.) 

Lately, the trimmer has been calling to me, though.  Yesterday, I had too much time and too little to do.  So, I took the clippers out to the garage and gave it a try.  I was surprised at how easy it was.  After maybe 5 minutes of work, there was a pile of hair on the floor and I was nubby.

This is the same haircut I got in the Army when I started basic training.  I haven't really gone with this haircut since then.  In the wake of the 70s, even the Army allowed relatively long hair during the 80s.  My old pictures show a pretty full head of thick, black hair. 

So, this is new, but wow, it's convenient.  I am wondering what it may be like to go with, say, a #2 clipper all over.  I'm not sure the nubby look is a good one for me.  All the more credit to Vin Diesel and Jason Statham who can pull it off. 

Still, this is fine.  It's Summer and this haircut is nice and cool.  Showering time has been reduced.  I'm sleek and aerodynamic.

This is the 7th day of my diet.  I haven't stuck to it 100%, but close enough.  Maybe 99%.  I have to admit, it accomplishes my 3 main goals for a diet.

1.  I'm not hungry throughout the day.  Not food obsessed and/or wondering when my next meal is going to be.

2.  My energy level is at least as good as it was prior.  I have to admit, I may actually have a little more energy, now. 

3.  It accomplishes the main goals of a diet:  reduced calorie count, but relatively nutritionally complete.

I have no idea if I'm losing weight on it, but if I can lose a pound or two per week, that'll be fine.

I am headed off to start my 2nd week of workouts, too.  So far, it's exactly what I would want.  No straining.  Low weights.  Relatively high reps.  Enough that I feel it pretty solidly for a few days afterwards. 

I have considered joining my more fit friends with crossfit workouts, but I'm not quite ready for that.  I'd like to build a little fitness and confidence, first.

This is my first genuine effort at fitness in about 10 years.  (The last time, I finished an Ironman triathlon... if I can get in half as good condition this time, I'll be pretty happy.)

Mostly, I'd just like to get my weight down in the 185-ish range.  As for strength and fitness, I'd like to get to where I can get a respectable score on my Navy Physical Readiness Test.  (Pushups, situps and a 1.5 mile run.)

After one more week of the diet, I get some other foods re-introduced.  I'm curious what those will be.  Though, frankly, I don't really have any cravings right now.  The biggest difficulty isn't in following the diet, it's in being in social situations where following the diet is difficult.  For instance, my son's birthday party, there wasn't a lot of chicken breast on a salad.  Lots of hot dogs and chips, though.

I'm also spending a little more time in the other house.  I own a 2,700 square foot house that backs up to heavy woods, a ravine and creek.  (I don't own the ravine and creek, though.)  The idea was that my guys would work on the house when the business is slow.  However, I am going to call in a plumber this week to take care of some things that will make a big impact.

For one, I need to get the plumbing all working so the downstairs half-bath will be usable.  That'll be huge.  The shower in the master bath leaks and the drain is sorta clogged.  Getting all that done will make a big, immediate difference. 

I don't think I'll be "living" in the place, per se, any time soon, but Logan has been wanting to sleep over in the house (we do have 2 beds, fortunately.)  It's also a nice place to watch movies, etc.  It still has the overall feel of a construction zone, but there are couches in one of the living rooms and beds upstairs. 

I'll probably work on getting some pots and pans so I can do a little cooking there, too. 

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