Wednesday, May 5, 2010

It's raining, it's pouring...

Been getting a bit of rain lately.  Not the massive rains we usually need to make business pick up, but enough rain that the lawns are getting plush and green.  Applied some fertilizer with dandelion killer in it and the lawns look really good.  I do take some pride in a good looking lawn.  Right now, I get extra pride because I'm growing one at the old house and the new.

Having the John Deere zero turn is a big help.  I don't know about the prospects of launching the lawn-care business this Summer, though that was my original intent.  Two problems:  one, is that I only wanted to do it to keep my employees busy but I've had to throw in the towel and lay off almost all my employees.  Second, the recession has brought out about 100 new lawn care businesses this year.  Cutting through the noise wouldn't be easy.

The John Deere, though, takes two lawns that probably would take 3 hours or so with my old riding mower, and cuts down the mowing time to maybe 30 minutes or so, at most.  I still have to do a half hour's worth of hand-mowing the tight areas, trimming, edging, etc.  But still, this could take 4 or 5 hours, easily, if I didn't have the zero turn.  As is, maybe an hour I can be done with both lawns. 

The new house, the yard was a disaster.  The dandelions were downright embarassing.  Like the house, itself, the yard was sufferring from mild neglect.  Though I expect the front will be looking good in no time.  In the back, I'll need some shade formula grass for sure.  There's almost no sunlight, ever, back there.

The rain is also significant because of the roof leak in the new house.  I'm trying to see if we can seal the existing flat roof, but that's a nightmare.  We took care of one section, but it still got a little wet with the weekend's rain.  Tonight's rain will be a test because we've pretty much sealed everything that needed obvious attention.  After this, the options other than a complete tear-off and putting up a pitched roof are pretty few.  I don't relish that possibility because of the expense, especially since it's money I don't really have right now.

Might have to put the whole project on a credit card.  Objectionable, yes, after all these years of getting my personal credit-card situation completely under control.  (I do have debt for the business, but personal debt, my credit cards are all paid off monthly and other than that, I just have house payments and a car payment.)

The house, other than the small leak, which I'm working on, is starting to take shape.  The major renovations (two interior walls removed), are done and the texturing and painting is taking place, now.  The upstairs windows aren't in, yet.  The living room furniture is still in plastic awaiting the finish of painting and final placement. 

I might be living on milk crates for quite a while.  Nothing like having a house to furnish, but no money to furnish it with. 

Business-wise, things are so slow, we might go down to Nashville, but we can't seem to find out any details on that.  Servpro was asking who could go and we raised our hands, but nobody has told us when or where, yet.

Business still hasn't really picked up, but it's not completely dead in the water like it had been.  We really do need some serious rain to get things going.  The amount we're getting now is nice for keeping the grass green, but it's not helping the business, much.

I re-scheduled one of my Navy drills and am doing one day here in Toledo.  The commander of the local NOSC (Navy Operational Support Center) was sure nice over the phone.  I don't know if that's a Navy thing or I'm just remembering all the grumpy officers from when I was enlisted, but Navy Reserve Officers sure seem like a really nice bunch of people.

Funny, but I joined in order to serve, and have enjoyed the experience so much, I'd really like to do it for as long as possible.

My transfer to Fort Worth?  Haven't heard anything back, yet.  Should be going through anytime, now. 

My promotion finally was processed, 4 months late.  So, I'm officially a Lieutenant Junior Grade, now.  A year and a half, and I'll be a Navy Lieutenant.  (Same as an Army / Air Force / Marine Captain.)  The Navy ranks make a little more sense, when you figure them out.

You have Lieutenants, who act "in lieu" of a commander.  Then, you have Commanders (from the old title "master and commander").  In theory, that's who commanded a ship.  Above them, you have Captains. 

So, you start out as an Ensign.  (The juniormost officer on ship who used to carry and fly the flag of the ship, which is called the ship's "ensign".)

Then, you are a Lieutenant Junior Grade. Then, Lieutenant.  Then, Lieutenant Commander.  Then Commander.

Contrast to the Army where you have first and second lieutenant.  Captain.  Major.  Lieutenant Colonel... no real rhyme or reason to any of it, really.

Anyway, I do enjoy being a Navy Officer.  It takes time away from Logan, but not so bad.  At least not until I get deployed.  Right now, it looks like the only people being deployed are the contracting officers, which, coincidentally, is what I'm going into.

I just signed up for the last of my correspondence courses.  After that, I have an in-residence course that is apparently difficult to get.  Right now, it's 2 weeks long.  Next year, I hear, it will be 4.  So, I'll be preparing for that during drills in Fort Worth.

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