Thursday, January 1, 2015

Fit at 50 Day One

Weight:  194.  (Yikes!  A little more weight gain than I wanted, but nothing I can't work with.)


500 mg. Vitamin C.
1000 mg. Fish Oil.
Centrum Multivitamin.
Orange Juice
3 eggs
5 strips turkey bacon

Workout today?  Run 2 miles on treadmill at Planet Fitness.  50 kettlebell swings.

Multiple workouts in a day have always worked for me.  I have heard people give various theories on this.  That it amps up your metabolism.  Who knows.  Maybe it does.

I usually shoot for multiple workouts during my normal days.  One at lunch and one after work.  (Usually weights at lunch and run  or cardio after.)  I don't do this on fencing nights, but fencing is a workout, too.  I sweat a lot during fencing.  I'm probably getting some fitness benefit from it.

So, that's the plan for today.  Also, diet-wise, not much of a plan.  Just trying to keep total carb count below 100 grams for the day.  During December, that was just going to be flat-out impossible.  I wasn't even going to try.  But time to get back on it.

I'll check in at the end of the day to report how the actual went against the plan.

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