Thursday, December 18, 2014

2014 Wrap Up: Where Do I Even Begin?

2014 was one to remember.  To recap, 2009, the biz started dying.  In 2012, I sold off what remained of the assets and started working for the government down in Dayton.  I still honestly don't know how I survived the past two and a half years.  I just did, I guess.  None of it should have worked, but I seemed to grunt my way through what has been, without doubt, the most difficult time of my adult life.

2014, though, things changed.  I lost a lot of weight.  Got much healthier.  (Bloodwork all looks phenomenal, now.)  Met so many new people.  Took up a new hobby:  fencing.

All in all, I never could have predicted at the end of 2013, that 2014 would have been so good.

2015 may bring some changes.  Actually, it will, one way or another.  In July, my service commitment is up, leaving me to seek other positions both within and outside the government.  My preference would be to move closer to home.  Home is still Sylvania, because my son is still in Sylvania.  At least he's here for another 4 and a half years until he graduates High School.

If I can't find anything here, I'll be moving.  If I don't live near Toledo, I'll move somewhere near family or friends.  So, that means, Cleveland/Akron, Dallas/Fort Worth or Phonenix... ummm... /Phoenix.  If I can't find anything in those cities, I'll move closer to my current position, probably by moving to a Western suburb of Columbus, like Hilliard.

Time frame for a move will be sometime after Logan's travel baseball season.  I plan on taking off a month just to follow him once school lets out.  That'll give me time with him, and the time to travel around to watch him.

January, I'll be taking a little week-long ski vacation to West Virginia.  That'll be my first little vacation in forever.  Things are getting better for me.  I am still not entirely sure what the next few years hold, but by the end of this year, the picture should get clearer.

My son continues to be my pride and joy.  I have always said that if I had to chose between a great life for me, and having a great son, that I'd take the great son.  That's the deal I have.  As long as I have that, I can be happy.

He continues to do great in all his sports.  Like most teenagers, he's growing like a weed.  He's getting a lot of playing time in basketball this year.  Football he did great.  He will be playing on his most competitive baseball team, yet, this season.

He's also getting serious about playing bass.  He is in a little band and he sounds great.  I haven't heard the band, yet, but if they're as good as he is, they should sound fantastic.  They're preparing to play in their school's talent show at the end of the year.

All in all, my son is great, and 2015 finds me in better shape than I was in when 2014 started.  I'm still rebuilding my life after the business died.  It's pretty much all there, except my career got set back pretty far.  I've got another couple decades in the worforce.  No telling what it will bring.

Best wishes to everybody out there.  I hope 2014 was good to you, too.  We can all hope for a great 2015!

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