Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Gotta make a change...

I'm in training in Sterling Heights for the next couple of weeks.  Easy stuff.  Pricing and Cost analysis, which is sorta in my wheelhouse.  (Lots of math and spreadsheets for a guy who writes Excel Macros when he's home and bored.)

The thing that stands out about this is that I'm sleeping in my own bed every night.  Man, this is nice.  I really need to make a change here in the foreseeable future.  Will do it, but more on that in a bit.

For those who are just tuning in, I drive down to Dayton every week.  If my son has sports, I drive up for the games.  It's exhausting, expensive... well, there isn't much to like about it at all, other than it giving me time with my son.

As he gets older, though, that time gets smaller and smaller.  On a weekend, I might only see him a handful of hours.  If I lived further away, he'd spend half the Summer with me.

If I had my way, I'd probably just find a way to continue this, but the expense and fatigue are pretty insane.

I have a little less than a year left on my service commitment for my job.  Love the job, but there are lots of comparable jobs within the DOD.  So, I may be looking at changing jobs next year.  Either that, or I'll be looking at relocating closer to the job.

Dayton is sort of nice in that it's basically an hour from Cinci or Columbus.  Not the easiest commute, but if anything happened to the Dayton gig, I'd have two of the biggest cities in Ohio within feasible driving distance.

So, yeah, probably going to make a change.  Not sure when, but sometime.  I set up this arrangement a few years ago when the job was new and everything else in my life was up in the air, but it is time to reassess it, now.

Other than that, busy, busy, busy.  Social life has been insane.  Also, I've been doing a yeoman's job of keeping up with the fitness.  I am only running while on this training.  (Though may do the rower after 3 straight days of 6 milers... that's a lot of days in a row for me.)  I'm missing the occasional 2nd workout at the gym.  So, there are upsides to returning to my Dayton routine.  (Of course, I could have that upside if I lived down there, too.)

I do notice that my hips don't hurt as much when I'm not driving so long, too.  I thought running was wearing them out, but I think it's just all the sitting in a car.

Oh, and I'm recovering from a sinus infection.  Ever notice how all sinus infections are categorized as "nasty".  Yeah, here in this part of the country, we all get them and they're all nasty.

But mine are a little beyond that.  I usually get them taken care of at the doc in the box because they treat with both steroids and antibiotics and usually give me some injection in the ass to get things going.

For folks who have known me a while, I'm definitely a veteran of these wars after having been hospitalized twice for sinusitis in my lifetime, including once with a stay in the ICU and not waking up for 4 days.  (Yeah, they thought I was going to die... dad flew in from Philly to say goodbye and everything.)

So, when I go in there and get some PA and explain, "I have a bacterial infection of the right maxillary sinus", they usually get a sort of chuckle.  I usually have little patience for questions like, "how do you know it's a sinus infection?"

This is my first sinus infection in a while.  I had been taking benedryl, both to keep my sinuses clear and to help me sleep.  Sorta got on the stuff back in 2012.  Just got off it in July due to a lot of positive changes in my life.  Sleeping (for the most part... no worse than before, on balance) without the help of benedryl these days.

So, that's the long and short of it.  Something has to give.  I'll be moving here sometime in the next 12 months.  And if you're in Dallas or Phoenix, I have those on the radar screen.  I would never move anywhere I didn't have family or friends, and that pretty much leaves Dallas, Phoenix or Ohio.  (Yeah, "Ohio" is sort of a cop-out, but even being in C-bus or Cinci isn't that bad.)

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