Wednesday, December 29, 2010

End of Year Blogpost

The business year is ending on a high note.  Got in a bunch of money, most of which was long overdue.  All in all, the year was a disaster, but mostly because it was a nasty ride down.  Our gross volume literally fell by 50%. 

Next year, we're in good shape.  Paid off a few notes.  So, our monthly cash flow should be a lot better.  We also downsized to the bone.  We don't even have an office administrator right now.  I'm filling that role.  Though, if things get better, like I think they should, we'll be hiring one first part of next year. 

We've got work on the board, too.  Some pretty good stuff.  All in all, we may have turned the corner.  Even though volume was bitterly disappointing (far worse than anything I could have imagined at this time last year), if we did the same volume next year, the company would be very profitable again.  The weather seems to be getting a little more harsh. 

It's amazing that I surivived this past year.  It was the first real hard bump in the road since I opened my doors.  The lesson to take away from all this is that you can't count on a straight 40% growth trajectory, or even for volume to remain consistent from year to year. 

I'm looking to make some changes next year.  I want to diversify my revenue streams so that a down year in one particular business unit won't necessarily mean pain.  Will have to see how it goes.

I am living in the cabin pretty much all the time these days.  I call it the cabin because the back yard overlooks a nice wooded ravine.  Also, because it's pretty much only 35% or so remodelled at this point.  It's like living in a house that's being remodelled. 

Half the house looks trashed.  One of the bedrooms is 100% done.  It's the first room in the house I can say that about, other than the downstairs half-bath.  Another two are about 90% there.  So far, so good.

Structurally, I feel good about the house, though.  We had to fix a problem with some sagging load-bearing beams and everything is 100% right now.  It's finally got good bones, though it took a lot of work. My goal is to have this house ready to sell by the time Logan graduates from High School.  I figure I'm in Sylvania until then.  After that?  Who the heck knows. 

Logan continues to be an absolute joy.  We went skiing twice during his Christmas break and he loves it.  Granted, it's not that odd to love skiing.  It's about like saying you like amusement parks.  It's just something that's generally enjoyable for most folks. 

We drove a couple of hours away to a ski slope that's supposed to be a lot nicer than the one we went to last year.  It really was better.  However, it's all of a 2 hour drive.  The other place is less than an hour.  So, for day-trips, it makes sense to go to the closer place.

If possible, I may see if I can get Logan for a few days and use the time to visit his grandma in Akron, and then drive up to Peek n Peak in upstate New York.  That's a pretty big logistical committment.  Peek 'n Peak is almost 3 hours away.  However, the skiing there is worlds better than what we've got within driving distance, here.

I wish there were a way to fly out for a skiing vacation.  I really wish Logan had year-round school with the breaks interspersed throughout the year.  I don't know what the resistance to that is, but it would make things so much nicer for us as far as any activities that involve travel, like visiting the relatives in Arizona.

As for the coming of the new year, here are my resolutions:

1.  Guide my business back to high profitability. 
2.  Embark on a new skill set / career.
3.  Make strong progress on all my financial goals, especially debt reduction. 
4.  Continue to spend quality time with my son.  Make the most of these next 9 years with him.
5.  Get the house closer and closer to being in a "finished" state.  Pretty much anybody who has ever done a major restoration/remodel can tell you that things take a lot more time and money than folks thought they would.  So, "progress" is as much as I'll commit to on this goal.

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