Thursday, December 17, 2009

Ringing the Bells, Getting over bacterial yuckiness, etc...

A week before Christmas and I still don't have a gift for Logan.  I was thinking a really nice fooseball table, but the ones at dick's weren't that nice, and the nice ones at the Pool and Spa places were a bit more than what I wanted. 

I'm not that determined to get him a fooseball table, but we'll see.  I honestly don't know what to get.  Any ideas?  For an 8 year old athletic boy who loves games?  If we had any room for one, I'd get him a ping pong table.  He learned to play when we were in AZ and he loves it.  He's darned good for an 8 year old, too.  As always, I'm completely objective about my son.


Tomorrow night, I'm doing a two hour shift of ringing the Salvation Army bell at Cabela's in Dundee.  Stop by and say hello if you're in the area.  I'll freeze my face off and I'm not necessarily looking forward to it, but it's one of very few good deeds I do throughout the year.

I'm still recovering from that bacterial yuck I had.  I think I'm probably recovered except for a residual sore throat from all the coughing.  Right now, I've got my typical seasonal rhinitis.  (Basically, the cold doesn't do me any good and produces an allergic-type reaction.)  Someday, I need to move to Florida or maybe Cayman Island, but until my son graduates from school, I'll probably be here.  Just 10 more Winters and I can move. 

I do wonder if I got hit with something else, too.  I know part of it was a bacterial sinus infection, but I wonder if I might have gotten nailed with a mild strain of influenza or something.  I know one thing:  I haven't been that sick for that long in a looong time.

I just got back from Athens, GA, where I passed the FS2 exam after failing it twice.  I really love that place.  Getting past FS2 is quite a relief.  I stand an outside shot at graduating with my class in March and frankly, I'm ready to.  I'm getting a little tired of being in training status for the Navy and am ready to do something a little bit more productive.

I'm trying to prepare for the FS3 Exam (food service 3) for the Navy, and this thing is going to suck.  It actually looks worse than the FS2 which I flunked twice and almost got kicked out of the program for.  Yeesh.  I'll do what I can.  With any luck, I'll eeke out a passing grade.  I'm driving to Columbus to take the exam next Wednesday. 

It doesn't help that my study skills are pretty much shot at my age, and they weren't so hot back when I needed them, either.  I still think it's a mistake to have gone to as much school as I did.  Looking back, though, it's a minor miracle that I finished.

Logan is out of school next week and I'm thinking of maybe taking him to one of the gozillions of indoor water parks around here.  There are some incredible ones in Sandusky, an hour away.  Probably worth the drive:  they're farging huge. 

Bought a new over-the-counter microwave oven the other day.  That pretty much completes our appliance swap-out for 2009.  We started the year by losing our fridge, then our dishwasher, and now the OTC microwave.  The oven is still in good shape, but that's not so surprising given that it isn't ever really used.  It's more ornamental than anything.  I do warm soup up on it now and then. 

If I'd known these things were all going to die, I'd have switched to stainless steel appliances, which are in style these days.  Instead, we still have all white applicances.  Oh well. 

The new microwave is bigger and more powerful.  So, for those of us who are so impatient that we stand in front of a microwave screaming "HURRY!", this is a good thing. 

Things at work are interesting these days.  We're down to a very small staffing level.  Just 7 employees from our peak of 13 in the Spring.  Almost half size.  This year has been a real kick in the cajones.  We just got no cooperation from the weather at all.  Still, we'll finish down just slightly from our sales from last year.  So, we marketed our way through the crisis.  It could have been so much worse.

With a little cooperation from mother nature, next year should be a really good one.  My focus is going to be on broadening our business services offerred so we can keep people busy if we get another slow season like this ever again.

With a good sales year, we may be in a cash position to buy an Ohio territory.  I guess we'll wait and see.

So, wish me luck tomorrow.  I'll be wearing a lot of layers of clothing.  One thing they're doing different this year is that they used to have 2 people working at Cabela's, but this year, it's just one.  So, I'll have to make sure I have an empty bladder because 2 hours is a long time to go without a break.

Merry Christmas everybody!

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